Have Your Eyes On V Cup Menstrual Cup

2 min readJun 25, 2019

Stop using the old school period products or solutions anymore as time has changed, and so are the solutions. Feminine health can never be taken for granted as the whole world has its foundation with the same. If proper care is not undertaken during those days of every month, then likely it will come up with adverse effects on the health and hygiene of a woman. Plus there are chances to go through the problems while conceiving. From now, get an end with using the regular sanitary napkins or the cloth pads, instead of that, try your hands on V Cup Menstrual Cup.

You might have come closure with this product for this first time but trust us; this will change the way you have been experiencing the period cycle until today. To know more about this menstrual cup here is a detailed picture of the same that you must not avoid –

Easy To Fix And Use

Using the Menstrual Cup has its own possible apprehensions in one’s mind like will it stay there for long, what if the leakage takes place etc. While there can be a number of questions, but the answer is only one that is using of these particular cups will not let you go through unwanted troubles even for a second. Here is a quick view of how to use the V Cup Menstrual Cup. The first step is to wash both your hands and the cup properly.

Now take the cup in your hand and stand by keeping one of your feet on something with height. Insert the cup inside your vagina by folding it into C shape. It will be any shape for your vagina to contemplate and along with this; there will be no kind of effort or pain. Once inserted, don’t forget to recheck the cup in order to confirm the position.

Benefits of using V Cup Menstrual Cup

These cups are not only an easy option to use but clubs along with various other benefits like

· Cost-effective

· Long shelf life

· Easy to replace

· One time investment

So, if you are having any more doubt about these cups or want to give a try, then get in touch with us at https://hygieneandyou.com. We will proffer you with a wide range of menstrual cups in varied shapes and sizes. Get in touch with us now.




Today, a lot of changes and innovative items have reached in the market which has reduced the trouble & discomfort of periods. http://hygieneandyou.com/