HyNinja Tribute
3 min readOct 5, 2021

HyNinja Tribe’s Mura

(The story right here is the story of the HyNinja Tribe in their Mura. This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events are coincidental. )

Figure 1.0 The Mysterious Dimensions of Hyninja Tribe from their origin – Mura

Assembling all HyNinja characters in a tribe is impossible unless they were from the same tribe. Inspired by our 7th Hokage Naruto in the anime Boruto, we understand that mura play an important role to keep the tribe in peace with other mura by affiliation. However in HyNinja World, the complexity of the creatures are far more dangerous than humanity. They look like humans, act like humans but actually they are parasites who are impersonated by invaders, and some of the characters in the tribe even mutated after getting too close to invaders.

The Ideology of HyNinja Tribe

Luckily, the HyNinja tribe from the same mura will not attack each other although they were parasites by invaders, those mutated characters were healed by caretaker and the whole. mura is governed by the angel. Therefore, the recovering mutated character sometimes comes with greater ninja power to assist the angel. However, although there are always wars between HyNinja Tribe, they would help each other when they are against Zombies. The only one Zombie who is the villain behind all war and crime as it is the oldest creature on the planet wants to take over the governorship from the angel.

The Beast Friend

However, the most mysterious HyNinja were the beast HyNinja, they were not from any mura and come from different dimensions, they choose to befriend and loyal to the tribe who have faith on them. They cannot be judged only with the base or accessories, they were like elephants and horses in a war for humans who were tamed by a special squad which is Tamer. Thus, they will only show supernatural power when their belongings are endangered. Yes, although they were tamed, but they choose Human Based HyNinja, they are unable to be chosen.

Major Conflict & wars

The Major Collision in between HyNinja Tribe’s mura does not involve all mura. Only 6 main mura are involved, 3 affiliated mura each as a team. So in total 2 teams would be involved in the wars. Yin & Yang Team. The members of Yin Team are water mura, soil mura & wood mura, the members of Yang Team are fire mura, thunder mura and gold mura. Yin Team lives in an area which is night more than day because their weakness is they hate brightness, in contrast, yang team live in a place where day more than night, they will be in low energy once the night is falling.

Why do you have to own a HyNinja Token right now?

You are sponsoring a series of brave and energetic creatures that fight for their own right to protect their mura. Do you know that mura sometimes even is more important than a nation. It is the spiritual belonging of their belief in which it is difficult to break them up as the tribe or even as a team. Real humans look simple but the reality is complex. They look complex but the insider knows they have a passionate and mentally tough to fight for their own tribe and team members. In Hyninja world, your sponsors make a difference, it helps all mura come into one in unity to lead them to realize the hidden zombie. Let’s mint them out right here, to make HyNinja Tribe’s mura great again.

Discover all characters from provenance record & understand their stats at rarity, our mura is right here.

HyNinja Tribute

HyNinja is an ERC721 Non-Fungible Token. It is available for minting at https://mint.hyninja.com