The renaissance of classic western democracy on a blockchain project

3 min readFeb 20, 2019


HX is the first to apply western democracy on a blockchain project. HX manages its normal routines on the chain via its unique system of autonomy.

There are four roles that exist within the : Tourist, Candidate Citizen, Citizen, and Senator. The rights of each role are different. So are its obligations.
A Senator is an asset manager and community administrator in the HyperExchange ecosystem. By consensus, a Senator is responsible for managing assets on hot and cold multi- signature addresses on different chains and for cross-chain interconnection. The total number of Senator is fixed to 15, which can be replaced and cannot be increased or decreased, divided into 5 safe Senator and 10 campaign Senator, safe Senator is determined only by the votes of these 5 Senator, and the campaign Senator is determined by the votes of Citizen.

A Citizen is a block generator and community governor of the HyperExchange chain, responsible for validating transactions and block generation. Citizens operate as decentralised mining pools on the chain. By pledging assets, 25 Citizens are selected to produce blocks and obtain block rewards. The more assets pledged by a citizen, the higher chance they got selected.
Users are the reregistered accounts on the chain. They can also participate in mining and obtain mining rewards by pledging assets through Citizens.
Tourist includes all users on the HyperExchange chain and all users on other chains that interoperate with the HyperExchange network. They enjoy the basic rights and service on the network.

The block producing right and decision right of HX are separate. HX established a multidimensional incentive mechanism and supervisory regulations. The efficient and democratic Hyper Exchange ecosystem involves checks and balances between Senator, Citizen and tourist. All cross-chain assets can be converted into equivalent HX according to the settlement price decided by senators. At the end, the mining probability is calculated according to the quantity of HX

Incumbents need to do their jobs and jointly serve the community. When Citizen are dissatisfied with the Senator, they can exercise their power to impeach the senator by initiating a proposal for a public vote. If more than two-thirds of Citizen vote against the Senator, his impeachment will be finalized and then enter the alternation phase. HX only allows one proposal at a time. So if there were 2 proposals being initiated at the same time, higher bidder got to keep his proposal. If there were 2 proposal with same bid, the proposal with earlier confirmation date will be kept.

Adhering to the principles of democracy, fairness and efficiency, all roles and communities can establish a shared governance. Everyone got a place and the crypto community will be orderly and prosper in a long period of time!

PS: The fee to initiate a proposal will be destroyed immediately no matter the proposal is successful or not.
The maximal number of senator alterations in one proposal is 3.




HyperExchange, or HX for short, is a public chain. It has three main features: cross-chain, HDEX, And an autonomous system that for the 1st time combines