Storytelling is a superpower.

Anthony Vicino
4 min readFeb 19, 2024

Steve Jobs said:

“The most powerful person is the storyteller.”

Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to tell a good story.

So they are at the mercy of those who do.

Let’s change that:

Here’s 5 principles for telling an amazing story:

1. The Hook

This is THE most important part of your story.

It’s what gets people invested enough to come along on the journey.

A great hook does two things:

• Plants a Seed of Intrigue
• Compels the Audience Forward

Best way I’ve found to accomplish both is through Open Cognitive Loops.

But, before I break down how to Open Cognitive Loops, let’s talk about the second principle:

2. The Image

The power of story is that it unlocks something inside each of us:

A blank canvas upon which your words can paint.

Each brush stroke must be placed with intention.

Each detail crafted with care.



Anthony Vicino

Hyperfocused on doing less, but better. ADHD is my superpower. Turned $7,500 into $80M of real estate, wrote 13 bestsellers, and built a few businesses.