Announcing the HyperRing SDK Release

2 min readMay 16, 2024

Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of HyperRing Software Development Kit (SDK), a powerful toolkit designed to seamlessly integrate advanced NFC (Near Field Communication) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) functionalities into mobile applications. Crafted with an emphasis on robust security and usability, the HyperRing SDK enables developers to seamlessly integrate secure login and data protection functionalities into NFC operations, offering a streamlined approach unparalleled by current industry tools.

The initial release of the HyperRing SDK focuses on Android platforms, providing compatibility with a wide range of devices and empowering developers to implement the functionalities on any Android smartphone equipped with NFC capabilities. Future plans include extending support to iOS, thus broadening the SDK’s applicability to a wider developer audience.

The HyperRing SDK provides developers with a comprehensive suite of library functions that enable MFA-related app development, including:

  1. NFC Status detection, Initialization and Polling Control functions: Detect the NFC capabilities, initiate communication and data exchange
  2. NFC Read and Write functions: Enable applications to encrypt and store data on the HyperRing’s NFC tags (“writing”), as well as retrieving and decrypting data from NFC tags (“reading”)
  3. MFA Initialization function: Writes MFA configuration and credential data to specified NFC tags
  4. MFA Request function: Initiates an MFA challenge by retrieving necessary data from the designated NFC tag, verifying the user’s identity by requiring a response to the challenge presented
  5. MFA Verification function: Verifies the MFA response received from a user, which checks the response against expected parameters and ensures it meets the security criteria established for the application

With the release of HyperRing SDK, developers can now seamlessly integrate advanced NFC and MFA functionalities into their mobile applications, enhancing both security and usability. To learn more about HyperRing SDK and its capabilities, see the SDK documentation or contact developer support at

About HyperRing:

HyperRing stands at the forefront of wearable technology as a revolutionary hardware and software platform, reshaping the landscape of data security and ownership. Utilizing NFC technology and the ultra-scalable Earth64 data structure, the platform enables consumers to carry up to 4.3 billion globally unique data records on each ring. Sensor-less and battery-less by design, HyperRing is uncompromising in its commitment to data privacy, setting a new standard for payments, healthcare, and cybersecurity solutions.

HyperRing SDK Documentation can be found below:

