HyperStake Update: July Live Conference

3 min readJul 27, 2018


This week, HyperStake founder and developer Tom (also known as presstab) held a live audio conference using the application Discord. This is just the first of regular conferences that will occur one to two times per month. HyperStake plans to hold these conferences to keep members of the HyperStake community updated on the progress of developments or to answer any questions members or stakers may have. If you missed our conference, check out what was discussed here!

In addition, make sure to tune in on Wednesday, August 8th at 5 pm MST for our next live audio conference on Discord.


The HyperStake development team has been working on the HyperChain project in a private repository, but development is still progressing. Currently, the base blockchain communication system is working, but the team is working on developing the python-based interaction tool between the HyperStake blockchain and messages using HyperChain.

HyperStake has also been shifting its focus on development as a blockchain platform as opposed to solely a value-exchange system. HyperStake is currently a cryptocurrency that is well distributed among hundreds of nodes or more with a very secure blockchain network using Proof of Stake technology. However, in addition to this, HyperChain seeks to build upon the uses for the HyperStake platform for things such as IoT management, etc. As HyperChain becomes open to public use, there will be more opportunities to build HyperStake into a platform that is used for clever blockchain use cases.

Mobile Wallet:

HyperStake is working on releasing a mobile/lite wallet to increase ease of use. The development team has been coding this wallet “from the ground up” rather than cloning an existing mobile wallet. Good progress has been made thus far using the Ionic framework to build the code base. The mobile wallet would be available to iOS and Android users. Once this wallet is up and running, a Lite wallet would also be compiled for desktop versions on Windows, Mac, and Linux as the same code base can be used. Features of this mobile/lite wallet include:

  • Secure local private key generation
  • Encrypted databasing of private keys
  • QR Code address scanning
  • QR Code encoding of HyperStake addresses
  • Paper wallet private key scan/import

HyperStake Forum:

We recently added a forum page to our website. In the past, communication and interaction in the HyperStake community was primarily forum based, using bitcointalk.org. The official HyperStake forum will now be used as a platform that can be indexed and searched by Google and other search engines. This can allow users to post, read, and participate with the HyperStake community. People can either register to post and interact with others or view posts without the need to register as opposed to other applications such as Discord.

Reporting Issues:

If you are experiencing any issues with the HyperStake wallet or syncing, the best way to get these issues fixed is by posting on our forum! Using this platform to report issues can help streamline issues to our development team. In addition, using this can help determine if other users are experiencing similar issues or if other users have quick fixes to assist.

How you can help!

Want to get involved with the HyperStake project and its community? As progress on the development front continues, HyperStake is seeking assistance with various aspects including project management, community expansion, and forum content. If you feel that you excel or would like to help out in any of these areas or other areas of growth, let us know! Reach out to the HyperStake team for information and opportunities to help out and get involved. We would love to hear from you.

Join the community of Hypsters and start using HyperStake now. Find HyperStake (HYP) on Cryptopia, Bitcoin Thailand, and CoinExchange. For more information, email us or join our Discord channel.

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