Source: John Elliot

Last morning, a brave camel rider crossed the Tasman Bridge and entered Hobart City.

People who don’t know much always thought this would only be a fantasy or a reality show.

However, can you believe that a successful businessman has walked more than 4000 kilometers with a few skinny camels and a rescue dog? From April last year to this year, they have gone through seasons full of hope and daunting.

Like most of us, he must, throughout his journey, be afraid of being bitten by snakes, of having no place to stay, and of not being able to hold on to the whole journey before leaving. But John Arthur Elliott and his camels began their journey with 100% faith and never stopped. They walked across deserts, jungles and plains with faith and ambition.

We always worry that ‘a lot of things are not ready yet. Let’s wait for a while before we start.’ However, you can learn more only after you start. What we have to do is to put one foot in front of the other.

If you wanna support John Elliott and his significant missions, please check out his page –

Hype Up the Tassie

Hype Up the Tassie deliver brilliant stories of Tasmanians and bring discussions on essential and relevant issues that matter to us, Tassies, the most.