In a very capitalistic world where everything spins towards one direction of “I” sometimes we have to pause and ask ourselves questions. “What is our social obligation? What are we doing to change the narrative of those with fewer or no privileges than we do? What if there was something we could do about it? What is it that we must do and where do we start?
Hyrac Tech is a social tech company that believes in empowering the communities we come from ,and that the difference we seek is a combination of little efforts to create massive change. We are challenging status quo while redefining access to technology in communities.
Our goal is to use #technology to provide the #empowerment an individual needs to be able to move to the next stage of their lives. Your journey is our mission! We are employing a holistic approach to work around creating a better future for others. This is done through education, experience to practicing the knowledge learnt in school and or prepare portfolios for job applications.
“Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before-if we allow it” Jenny Arledge.
We are working towards providing people with resources geared towards their focus in the digital age. We will be hosting a variety of tech competitions to help students gain real life experience, offer scholarships occasionally to needy students involved in our programs and an experience of a lifetime through our boot-camp, volunteer opportunities, opportunities to building their personal portfolio as well as internships and jobs.
We encourage people to create their own weather and endear to become their own best version by being part of our community.
In Helen Keller’s words “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do” at Hyrac Tech we will work tirelessly to ensure our mission is realized as well as change the narrative of those who cannot access much needed resources to make their dreams come true.
Join us and be part of revolutionary change while creating a ripple effect wherever you are!