2 min readMar 19, 2022


How the HYSS Auto-Liquidity Engine (HALE) Ensures the Sustainability our LP Pool

One of the main factors that determine a crypto project’s success and long-term growth is how the project sustain a large and stable Liquidity Pool. In HYSS Protocol, we believe that maintaining Market Liquidity is of utmost importance to allowing the smooth Buy & Sell of $HYSS tokens on Pancake Swap and of HYSS Protocol future.

Liquidity is a big pool of money that is split 50/50 between two tokens. For instance, the HYSS’ LP will be divided 50/50 into $HYSS tokens and $BNB tokens. There is a conversion ratio that is set to the amount of $HYSS you can exchange for with BNB, for example: 1 BNB = 24.66 HYSS. A big Liquidity Pool allows for anybody to buy & sell their HYSS/BNB at any time.

Nonetheless, the less money/liquidity there is in the pool, the worse price you get. Hence, we have designed the HYSS Auto-Liquidity Engine (HALE) to periodically add more liquidity to the LP and keep the pool stable.

How the HYSS Auto-Liquidity Engine (HALE) works:

Every 48 hours at 22:52:48 UTC time, the HYSS Auto-Liquidity Engine (SALE) will inject automatic liquidity into the market.

HYSS Protocol automatically takes a 4% tax fee for every buy or sell order to store in an Auto-LP wallet. Our built-in Smart Contract will cleverly take 50% of the stored $HYSS to purchase BNB at current market price, which combines with the remaining 50% $HYSS in the Auto-LP wallet to provide a 50/50 weighting of HYSS/BNB liquidity.

A beauty of the HALE is that it is directly written and locked into our Smart Contract, our developers cannot stop or change the process, which eliminates the chance of inside tampering with the liquidity pool.

How the HYSS Auto-Liquidity Engine (HALE) keeps you safe and help you trade smoothly:

This additional liquidity that is auto injected into the existing LP raises the amount of liquidity in the pool and helps combat market fluctuation as well as the positive rebase rewards. By adding more and more liquidity to the pool, the HALE allows $HYSS token holders to easily buy and sell their tokens any time with little to no market slippage.

Additionally, it will also contribute to the protocol stability and make sure that the APY is upheld for the entire life of HYSS.

Thanks to the existence of the HALE, $HYSS holders should never have to worry about the possibility of trading or high slippage during each trade. We hope that the HALE shows our commitment to ensuring your smooth trading experience and prove to you that HYSS Protocol is here to stay for the long run.

