Unlock your data: AI and automation for next-gen data management frameworks. Introduction

Trefoil Analytics
9 min readJan 8, 2024


In our rapidly evolving data-centric world, effective data management has become the golden key that unlocks the true potential of large-scale data analysis and AI applications. It’s not only about managing data, but also about ensuring smooth and trusted access to it across your organization, enabling everyone to find the answers they need. But, this journey has its own set of challenges. Roadblocks such as data availability, accessibility, quality, security, usability, and harmonization of scattered datasets often emerge due to our dependence on outdated, manual methods of managing data.

At Trefoil Analytics, we’re charting a new course. Guided by the principles of DAMA-DMBOK 2, the Cloud Data Management Capabilities (CDMC) framework, and CDQ AG, we’ve designed a cutting-edge data management framework. This isn’t just another system; it’s a solution powered by advanced AI capabilities, crafted to boost every aspect of data management. It’s our way of overcoming the traditional hurdles and fully unlocking the power of your data assets.

Over the coming weeks, we will share a series of articles detailing our unique approach to data management. Look forward to content that explores how to build applications within these categories. As always, we welcome your engagement and feedback!

What is data management?

Data management encompasses the processes of creating, collecting, preparing, storing, identifying, accessing, processing, and monitoring the organization’s data, ensuring its readiness for consumption. As the generation and consumption of data reach unparalleled levels, data management solutions become indispensable in making sense of the vast data pools.

The Importance of data management

Data management is a vital initial step for implementing large-scale data analysis that yields valuable insights, enhancing customer experiences and boosting revenue. Effective data management enables individuals across an organization to locate and access trustworthy data for their inquiries. Key benefits of a robust data management solution include:


Data management enhances the visibility of your organization’s data assets, simplifying the process of locating and accessing accurate data for analysis. Improved data visibility promotes better organization and productivity, enabling employees to find the necessary data to excel in their roles.


By establishing processes and policies for data usage, data management minimizes potential errors and fosters trust in the data used for decision-making throughout your organization. Access to reliable, current data allows companies to adapt more efficiently to market fluctuations and customer demands.


Protecting your organization and its employees from data losses, theft, and breaches, data management employs authentication and encryption tools. Robust data security ensures that critical company information is backed up and retrievable in case the primary source becomes inaccessible. Moreover, security is increasingly crucial when handling personally identifiable information that must be managed in compliance with consumer protection laws.


Data management facilitates the effective scaling of data and usage instances by implementing repeatable processes to maintain up-to-date data and metadata. With easily replicable processes, your organization can sidestep unnecessary duplication costs, such as employees conducting repetitive research or re-running costly queries without cause.

The challenge of data management

Organizations are confronted with a multitude of data management challenges, including data quality monitoring, data integration, metadata gathering processes, data modeling, data classification, and the identification of key and critical data elements, all while aligning with business goals and determining the scope for managing data. Traditionally, these activities have relied heavily on human intervention, such as expert data model building or rigid coding of data quality rules, resulting in delays within the data value chain.

In recent years, numerous initiatives have been developed to automate these processes using advanced technology, tools, and techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, generative AI, and data integration platforms. These state-of-the-art solutions can substantially reduce manual intervention, streamline processes, enhance flexibility, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive informed decision-making based on reliable and comprehensive data insights. Trefoil Analytics is dedicated to building upon existing data management frameworks and utilizing advanced tools to provide our clients with user-friendly solutions that accelerate their data management processes, thereby expediting the time to value for their data initiatives. By partnering with us, organizations can effectively tackle data management challenges and unlock the full potential of their data to achieve growth and success.

Methodology for developing data management 2.0

Trefoil Data Management 2.0 is a data management solution that is built upon two popular frameworks, the Cloud Data Management Capabilities framework (CDMC) and the CDQ Data Excellence Model. By combining these two models, Trefoil aims to bring a business focus to data management and make the data management model cloud proof. At the core of these two frameworks are data management capabilities and business capabilities. However, while these frameworks provide information on what capabilities an organization needs to develop to achieve data excellence and business value, they do not provide information on how to develop them. Trefoil Data Management 2.0 provides the “how” part of the equation by describing the different data management processes needed to achieve data excellence and business value, which utilize the data management capabilities outlined in the two frameworks. Additionally, Trefoil data management 2.0 is powered by advanced methods based on machine learning and generative AI, which help to automate data management processes and keep data up-to-date and relevant.

The cloud data Management capabilities framework

The CDMC framework defines the best practice capabilities for managing and controlling data in cloud environments. It includes controls that address six main areas: governance and accountability, cataloging and classification, accessibility and usage, protection and privacy, the data life cycle, and data and technical architecture. Across these areas, the CDMC identifies 14 sub-capabilities necessary for an effective program.

Overview of the CDMC Key Controls Framework (Source: EDM Council, CDMC Working Group)

The CDQ data excellence model

The data excellence model is a data management framework that offers support and guidance for practitioners in the implementation of data management by defining major design areas, while at the same time supporting the transformation into a digital and data-driven company.

Overview of the CDQ Data Excellence Model

The structure of the data excellence model builds on the principles of performance management and the logic of management cycles. The reference model specifies design areas of data management in three categories: goals, enablers, and results, which are interlinked in a continuous improvement cycle.

Goals break down the overall aim and purpose of data management by outlining necessary business capabilities and data management capabilities and explicating them in the form of a data strategy.

Enablers help to achieve the goals specified regarding six design areas: people, roles and responsibilities; performance management; processes and methods; data architecture; data lifecycle; and data applications.

Results indicate to what extent the goals are achieved in terms of two quantifiable aspects: data excellence and business value; and

Continuous improvement allows adjustment of goals and enablers, ensuring the dynamic nature of the model.

The Trefoil Data Management Framework

The concepts of “capability” within both the CDMC and CDQ frameworks define the essential skills and abilities an organization needs to master to accomplish the desired results of a data management program. These results are specifically data excellence and the generation of business value. However, the capability alone does not provide the methodology for achieving these outcomes. This is where the business process or value stream becomes relevant.

Clarifying the business process or value stream often requires a more comprehensive explanation than merely defining the capability. It includes outlining the necessary tasks in sequence, identifying the responsible parties, and highlighting crucial decisions that need to be made, including the rationale behind these decisions and the decision-makers involved.

In the subsequent sections, we will offer a thorough and customized blueprint for building your data management value stream and start to cultivate the required capabilities for executing the process and achieving the expected results.

The Trefoil Data Management Framework (TDMF) is a combination of the CDMC and CDQ data management frameworks. These frameworks outline the essential skills and abilities that a company should develop to manage their data effectively at scale. Additionally, the TDMF presents a detailed, generic data management process, which explains how to manage data.

Combining the CDMC and the CDQ data management capabilities

The data value chain

Overview of the Enterprise data types

In an enterprise, there are various types of data, each serving different purposes and playing crucial roles in decision-making and operations, as depicted in Figure 1. Reference data includes controlled vocabularies, flat lists of values, and classification hierarchies that provide context and standardization. Master data consists of primary and secondary data elements that represent core business entities, such as customers, products, and suppliers. Transactional data captures the details of business activities, like sales and purchases. Classical analytical data comprises simple and advanced pre-defined structures/queries used for reporting and analysis. Observational data is collected through sensors, IoT devices, or surveys, providing insights into real-world events and behaviors. Media data encompasses multimedia content, such as images, videos, and audio files. Advanced analytical and AI data involves training data labels, feature stores, predictive models, performance metrics, and source code used in machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Lastly, metadata describes various aspects of other data sets, including structural, technical, business, operational, and social information, to enable better understanding and management of the data.

Enterprise data types of overviews.

Supply chain connecting data source and data consuming

The data value chain consists of a series of interconnected steps that transform raw data into actionable insights. It starts with creating and maintaining data, which involves generating or collecting information from various sources and ensuring its accuracy and relevance. Sourcing identifies appropriate sources and extracts the required data, while the preparation step involves cleaning and transforming data into a suitable format. Storing focuses on securely saving the processed data in the data platform, being a Lakehouse or a Datawarehouse. Identifying ensures that relevant data sets are discovered and cataloged for easy retrieval. Accessing grants authorize users’ access to the data, and processing involves integrating and manipulating the data to create data products ready for use and share in the business. Monitoring maintains data quality, integrity, and security throughout the chain. Finally, the using stage interprets and applies the insights generated from the data to inform decision-making processes and create value for the organization.

Data supply chain

High level stakeholder (incomplete) map for the data supply chain

The data value chain comprises various roles, each contributing to the effective management and utilization of data within an organization. Data Creators, either internal or external, are responsible for generating and maintaining data according to the agreed-upon definitions with Data Owners. Data Owners, typically senior employees within the organization, hold accountability for data definition within their specific areas of responsibility and have the authority to verify data accuracy. Data Users are employees who utilize data for specific purposes and are responsible for setting data requirements. Data Consumers, which can be internal or external parties, use the data as intended by the Data Owners and Data Users. The Business Application Owner oversees the core functionality and interfaces of an application, ensuring its proper maintenance, access control, and service delivery. The (Golden) Source Application is the application where data is created and provided, serving as the original source of data. Lastly, the Consuming Application is where data is stored and integrated for specific usage, allowing for seamless access and retrieval within the organization.

High level stakeholder map for the data supply chain

In the upcoming artilces, we will delve deeply into each of the individual process steps in the data value chain, clarifying the sub-processes required for their execution. Additionally, we will identify the key stakeholders necessary for governing and executing these steps, as well as outline the technology, tools, AI techniques and resources available for people to implement the process.

