The myth of Russian greatness has been debunked.

Inna Kirichenko
2 min readNov 5, 2022


This picture has gone viral, many people are now posting it on their social networks. It illustrates the changed attitude of the West and especially the United States to the seriousness of the threat posed by the RF Armed Forces.

But you can’t imagine even a tenth of what Putin did with his “special operation” and Tuvan military development. Americans and Europeans have not only ceased to be afraid of the RF Armed Forces, they have ceased to be afraid of the Russians.

In previous years, there were constantly mythologized memes about tough, harsh Russians who sleep in an embrace with AK, where any girl can compete with a bear and go to the front. “Russians are the scariest white people”. There was an opinion that although the US army is more technologically advanced, the Russians are stronger in spirit.

Now it is no more, gone. For everyone, Russians are apologetic, emaciated prisoners in bad military equipment. Russian equipment is now perceived as rusty garbage, which is towed somewhere by Ukrainian farmers on their tractors.

Such metamorphoses play a huge role in making decisions about war and about helping Ukraine. This is now seen by the population of the planet. Now, when someone throws in a meme about tough Russians, there are always people who answer: they don’t look so tough in Ukraine.

And the increased military assistance to Ukraine, and the fact that the United States prohibits the Russian Federation from using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine under the threat of attacking Russian forces — all this is the result of Putin’s “special operation”. The RF is considered a less serious threat now. It remains only to neutralize its nuclear arsenal. And the state of the nuclear arsenal is in doubt thanks to SNV-III…

The Western myth about harsh Russians is dead. He was debunked by the soldiers of Putin’s army.
And those tough traits of warriors that were previously attributed to Russians are now associated with Ukrainians in the West.

Google queries in English confirm my words.

The image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Russians in the West has been irreparably destroyed. People no longer believe in eight-month-old stories about the grinding of Khokhols without an any proof.



Inna Kirichenko

Housewife from Ukraine. I am writing about my experiences.