Moravské Lieskové, Slovakia

INTRODUCTION — How to live with subjective opinions among people with subjective opinions.

If eR
5 min readFeb 28, 2022

Do you know how to live among people with limited opinions? And have you ever thought about the fact that your views are probably also limited for other people?

As the article's name sounds — more or less complicated — it is the whole text. I approach this topic with all seriousness because it is needed here. In my (subjective) opinion, it's the most important article on the blog.

Dread head girl sitting in the wooden house

Each of us grew up differently. In another place, in another house, in different situations. We went to other nurseries, schools, jobs. Each of us met people who influenced us at some things. Only a handful of us didn't have (maybe still have) a "hero" as a child. An actor, a singer, or just a classmate or colleague, a sibling, a parent, or even a favorite Ninja turtle, it doesn't matter...

We carry something from all these people and characters. If you imagine some happy or sad situation that has happened to you, how has it affected you? How do you feel when you think about repeated battles at schools, gossip at work, or pleasant chat with friends and sunny holidays with your parents?

We carry all these feelings with us all the time. Indeed, our memory often betrays us. We do not remember 6o% of what happened during the day (explanation: because we do more than half of things automatically, we are no longer attentive to them).

It doesn't matter what your life is like because the person in front of you or on the other side of the keyboard will never feel the same as you. A human being is not a machine. It is a complex system full of feelings, moods, emotions, thoughts. And that's why we all have biased opinions. They are limited by our borders, which we do not want to cross.

Thousands of times, when I tried to understand the life and opinions of the people around me, I had to struggle not to explode. Not only outside but also mentally. Somehow to calm down, because being angry with someone all the time — which is very easy in today's circumstances — hurts ourselves.

I meet people with all kinds of opinions and — for me limited — ideas and thoughts about how the world works and how to live. People with views I don't understand. But I don't have to understand to empathize with others. Really — just a simple idea that a person could only have a completely different home education than I can prove my inner struggle a little. Of course, I could keep my contacts with these people to a minimum and keep my little bubble of friends and loved ones I have and go "my way". But why? My views would be even more limited, and the gap between the two camps — the "mine" and the "other" — would be wider and wider. It's hard to connect it back. Someone wants it, someone doesn't want to have anything to do with people who behave differently, who express differently, and even sometimes they have just different clothes.

We are all different, and therefore if you feel that you don't belong on this blog, it didn't talk to you in any way, the topics are foreign to you, it's okay. I am sure you'll find what you're looking for elsewhere on the Internet, it would be wasting of your time with something that doesn't interest you — that is something I wouldn't recommend.

Winter in the village, winter walk

These words were supposed to mean something, and I believe it meant. It's about my biased opinions, about me as a person who grew up in a village house, loves animals (all of them), planting seeds from lemons, avocados, and tangerines, and loves cooking..

I love the company of people, and I was a little punk in elementary school. I played hide and seek in the dark, climbing the trees, wearing torn and a hundred times sown clothes. High Schol of Art, life in England, and a group of people I spend my time with. I have been lost a few times in my life, too. I also lost a few people from my closest that I will always miss. Some are still walking around the Earth; some are already flying souls in the Universe. I met good people and those who were difficult lessons for me too. And you know what? It's okay, and it's everything as it should be. I believe in the Universe and my head. I am a person who has morning rituals and will cross the daily schedule on paper after completing the tasks. My head and heart are in love, and I walk life with the right person.

Alternative girl with finger tattoos and green dreads

I am interested in several sorts of things. Still, in addition to articles full of my thoughts and my (limited) opinions, which I will continuously be adding, you will also find informative articles on the blog. Therefore, if you are interested in DREADS, PIERCING, or something from the world of VEGANISM, I warmly welcome you here on my blog.

Get started, and you may find out what you never thought about or didn't know. Who knows.

I wish everyone a day we deserve.

My name is Iveta, and welcome to my blog!

Alternative girl with piercings and green dreads



If eR

Dreadhead pierced vegan lady who likes to talk and write about her thoughts.