Apple Plans Foldable iPhones 2021 — i365News

3 min readAug 10, 2019

You may have heard that Apple has plans to develop and release foldable iPhones in 2021.

Apple initially leaked the news back in February, but now the concept is becoming more realistic. Apple initially filed patents for foldable iPhone designs in 2017 but filed another for a heating element to be installed that could counteract failures at the fold due to cold temperatures.

In addition, the investment bank UBS predicted that interest in foldable devices from Apple would be high after surveying consumers. As a result of the prediction, Apple stock rose by 2.2% on August 8, 2019.

We also have some concept pictures available to the public that helps make the idea of foldable iPhones reality.

Apple is late to the foldable smartphone market. Samsung has already released the Galaxy Fold earlier this year. The Fold has not had the best reviews due to failures surrounding the display.

Dieter Bohn, from The Verge, experienced his Galaxy Fold’s developing a bulge and then breaking. He reported not mistreating the phone and that he used is like a normal smartphone.

Practicality of a Foldable iPhone

This leads to the question of how practical or not a foldable iPhone or foldable products in general from Apple will be.

Take into consideration how you use your iPhone daily. You may pull it out of your front or back pocket and then slide it back in after you are done. People sit down with their iPhone’s in pockets where pressure can be placed on them or tossed down after using it.

Think back to when you had a flip phone. Did the hinge of your flip phone ever get cracked from bending over while in your pocket or general use?

If Apple chooses to go with a horizontally folding iPhone, how practical would it be to use it one-handed without it feeling clumsy?

Now think of an iPhone that can fold creating a hinge-like effect, but factor in a display where it folds. At first glance, it does feel like the probability for what happened to the Galaxy Fold to repeat with a foldable iPhone.

However, in contrast to the Galaxy Fold, Huawei will be releasing the Mate X in Q3 of 2019. Those that have had the opportunity to preview it have had positive things about it.

The concept of a foldable iPhone may be as many things and be a matter of preference.

Leading up to the expected release in 2021, Apple will have its hands full in engineering a foldable iPhone that is both durable and practical.

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