Fire in the cloud: high cloud technology for better defence against fire in buildings

This experiment was integrated within the CloudFlow platform CYPE-FDS

3 min readJun 18, 2018

The “Fire in the Cloud” experiment was integrated within the CloudFlow platform CYPE-FDS, a state-of-the-art software based on FDS solver for fire simulation using computational Fluid Dynamics techniques (CFD). The fire-safety design of a real shopping centre, case proposed by Cottés Group (leader of the project), was studied in the cloudified tool, focused on showing the great benefits of using Cloud computing in the building design industry for anti-fire mechanism design.

Alejandro Adán, Project Manager at Cottés Group, offers his thoughts about the Cottés Group experience in the I4MS initiative.

1. How did the project come about? Had Cottés Group previously participated in an open call?
We had never participated in an open call before. It has been our first project at an European research and development level. The possibility to participate came through ITECAM, one of the companies of the consortium that was the one who had the idea of ​​developing an application that would democratise the use of fire simulation programs. For developing it, they needed a company with experience in the management of this type of programs that would play the role of "tester" (end user).

2. How would you define your experience?
The experience was very positive. On the one hand we achieved the objective we wanted when we were developing the application: creating a way for any engineering company that wants to use fire simulations to verify the design of fire protection installations, which goes benefit of occupant safety. In addition, we have expanded our knowledge in the use of the program, specifically to optimise the meshing of computer models to achieve more efficient calculation times. Finally, we have also been able to get to know the projects of the rest of the consortiums, which is always interesting even if they take place in different fields of action.

3. How did you meet Cloud Flow?
Through the open call in which we have participated. The truth is that until the moment when we were asked to join the consortium, we did not know of its existence. However, we think that they have become an ally for our company.

4. What was the life cycle of the project? Total time (months), main phases of the experiment (evaluation/definition of the solution/implementation, etc.)
The truth is that the life of the project suffered an increase in time, since initially they were planned for 9 months and at the end the term was extended to 12 months. During the first phase, a series of calculations were carried out in different work stations. At the same time, Fire in the Cloud was working to incorporate the calculation program into the server. The second
phase was developed with the program already implemented in the cloud and it consisted in the implementation of the application that allows launching the calculation from the work station to the cloud, in an agile and simple way. Finally, during the third phase, the appropriate tests were carried out on the application, resulting in a User Guide that is included in the application.

5. Regarding the impact, were expectations met? Would you recommend it to other companies?
Expectations were met, since the application was developed successfully. For the reasons explained above, it is an experience that I recommend because it allows you to expand your knowledge of your own company, and publicise the activity that you develop. In addition, as in our case, it is possible that at the conclusion of the project, your work mechanics will be facilitated.

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I4MS is the EU initiative funded by H2020 to digitalise the manufacturing industry. Coordinated by @FundingBox.