How data can work together in the future

2 min readJul 2, 2019


Interoperability of data and their context

Interoperability has been the most discussed topic in information technology for years and it applies to all verticals concerned with data management, be it Smart Industry or Smart Cities. However, the term has different meanings and motivations on the demand and supply side, which does not make progress any easier.

If interoperability can be achieved, then all parties have the common result of a risk reduction of investments — and a scaling market. This has been impressively demonstrated by various examples in the past (GSM, Android, TCP/IP, HTML, EMV).

It is still commonplace in many industries that data remain in silos and the value and benefit cannot be harvested or increased. But what opportunities do we currently have with the increasing digitalization of services in the cloud and the associated digital representation of physical assets in the cloud?

Smart data management stands on the shoulders of the API economy — functions and services have long been encapsulated in building blocks and accessible via interfaces. Interoperability between the so-called building blocks has been amongst the FIWARE Foundations’ main tasks in the last 5 years — the development of a generic, modular technology framework, and the right governance around this framework.

The governance model of standards and technologies — not only open, but also open source — is currently gaining in importance. Not only open, but really “transparent”. The standards in FIWARE have been validated in practice for years and are today the result of numerous innovation and co-creation processes, driven by implementation.

Context of Data

If you make data assets available in a harmonious way, you also give the possibility to other parties, to other departments, for other business and stakeholders to use the different available data in different verticals and combine them to build new services.


Copyright Olaf-Gerd Gemein & Verus von Plotho / Smart City Lab Ltd




I4MS is the EU initiative funded by H2020 to digitalise the manufacturing industry. Coordinated by @FundingBox.