Design Thinking ! Starts here!

Bhavesh Bati
6 min readJan 6, 2016


Design Thinking : Deconstructing Myths!

I just glimpsed through a “Fake Article” on design thinking! The author lies in the article to make the reader believe just 3 points that he lost 26 pounds, made good friends and improved life! he got so famous that every time you look up design thinking, you find his, empath, ideate formula proclaiming that he has been through some different universe and learned from them that people on earth are stupid! and he conveys his messages as if he is god, he knows everything!

That’s a lie to make people believe! There is so much cheating going on in media today that absolutely anyone can present fake opinions!

What consist of a “Fake Opinion” or a “lie” as i learned from the documentary “Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman” is telling people about a hotel in such a way that an average Joe will believe and might base his decision on, without ever having actual real life experience of entering the hotel, exploring the amenities, and feeling the warm-heartedness or coldness of the staff!

How could we find out that the lie was written? It doesn't represent any of the facts of interior or exterior or how you loved to jump on the bed and how shower had honey bee pattern or none of these details but what one could write to shift the attention, i.e. he went with 3 friends , he had reservation done in advance and blah blah and none of the actual feeling that he felt!

So this fake opinion providing author gives you five point rule on design thinking and presents you with an example of how some students from Harvard Business school ( like design thinking was property or Invention or HBS or like only people associated with Harvard could think Design Thinking!) went to Burma to study irrigation issues and found the problem with kerosene lamps and Solved with Solar LED Lamps. In this article I am going to tell you exactly how design thinking starts at the root of design thinking!

Who can do design thinking? Everyone Can!
What consists of a design thinking ? There is NO hard and fast rule about it! Or it’s nothing like “follow this precise plan and only then you will be able to think design thinking (at least that’s what the Author was trying to convey)”

Thinking starts with observation coupled with memories!

Keen observation!

If you see an apple falling, and had an experience of apple falling on your head and hurting bad “You might see a problem, you might think of saving people from that pain, and you might think about some head gear!!! To save heads from falling apples!”

If you see an apple falling and have no such experience of pain associated with apple, “You might think about velocities or laws of newton,”If you also observe a monkey doing the deed of shaking the tree and forcing the apple to fall, you might think of monkey as a problem, and you might find the roots of problem as monkey entering the apple garden at broken fence or a sleeping guard!”

What exactly is design thinking based on? how to start or prompt it and make it present in our normal day to day life?

ATTEMPT THIS IN GOOD Faith, belief and trust in yourself and you will find yourself changing your lives with design thinking!

Be Come !

Come to your divine self! Meaning detach yourself from every humans around you, every thing around you! Be with you!

You can not see at the bottom of a lake, where on surface there are many fishes jumping constantly! Nor can you play cricket or football on a slippery ground!

You’ve gotta make or let the whirls calm down! Morning is best time for this practice ! Yoga or meditation is best ! For Muslim Friends, Namajh Prayer is also a form of arriving to one’s self! For Bauddh, Chanting and meditation brings you to yourself and helps calm down the whirls! Christian and Jewish form of prayers also help bring one to self! in short every religion has one or other form of solution for stopping the whirls, bringing peace to the lake and making it observable thoroughly! For those who don’t believe in any religions “Congratulation O Ye Free soul, you are free to create your own pattern of coming to your own self and trust me there are many ways to focus on!!! (PS : I respect every religion and believe they have been instrumental in human evolution and also believe that now is the time for humans to unify because there are some very powerful problems we as a human race are facing which can not be solved by trying separately but only through our united efforts!)


Observe each one of your activities as if a supervisor observing your work! Observe every thought, act and decision you make! observe what types of your thoughts! Observe how often you are thinking constructive, creative and how often you think destructive! Observe how your thoughts, acts and decisions are influenced by things that are under your control and also by things that are not under your control! Observe how you are full of adrinaline watching an action movie and how you are full of love or ate watching an act of charity or an emotional love conspiracy!
For how long? That depends on your individuality that is unique to you so i will not decide on behalf of you!
Observe days and nights and bring under scanner each and every single one of your acts, influential sources, decision making and behaviour under different settings and different emotions! During observation times, don’t be in too hurry to act on findings, just keep observing until you are sure of problems!

Be Aware!

Awareness is in the moment, in This Instance! so be aware of your breathes, aware of your fingers movement when they type on the keyboard! be aware of the the particles passing by your ear and hissing ! Be aware of hidden intentions behind words spoken or written or conveyed otherwise! Be aware of purpose behind acts! be aware of your presence on the Earth! Be aware of changes taking places around and within you! be aware of how external influences are acting on you! Be aware of how a normal laymen has transformed from seasons based farmer or hunters or trader to a pure product of advertised myths and propaganda and how we have created a waste creating, throwaway and cut throat competitive economies!

Be aware of challenges that might pop on your way in explaining someone who is constantly days and nights looking through a microscope about a different vision from a telescopic view! Be aware that at every moment, there are so many out there trying to sell you something you don’t need by creating a false want or a fake feeling of need through advertisements or through numerous fanciful pitfalls!

In short! Be aware of your own self, internal universe and external universe! Match your awareness with observation! what you think in the calmness and awareness is Design Thinking ! all the inventions and creations have their roots in design thinking!

Once you Be Calm, Be Come, Be Aware and Observe, whole picture or perspective will be clearer to you!

You will know which influences you have full control on and you need to shut yourself out from that world! you will know where majority of your time is spent whether on constructive thoughts or actions or just destructive destructive thoughts or actions or just following blindly some super destructive propaganda! From the “Know” you will develop understanding of the way forward to evolve and become better! you will clearly see the first step and when you walk there, the next step to make yourself a better human being!

Warning! based on personal experiences, shutting yourself away from internet on a regular basis will help speed up the process, But it has zero down sides! All the down sides of being unconnected is a purely hypothetical damage that has less than one in a million chance of translating into reality!

