The important bit really, before you think to maybe read on, is that I write about:

Succeeding at life, - however you define ‘success’.

So, I routinely take on subjects like

Strength - Proficiency - Planning - and the Human Condition

As to me …? Hmmmm.

I guess I’m a jack-of-all-trades and surprisingly, master of a few. It’s been a chaotic, largely fun life - from military service to a master hypnotist.

My other roles have included being an editor for a major website, a journalist, restaurant critic, passionate photographer, etc, (ad nauseam!)

Perhaps surprisingly, I am also an introvert. One who has made peace with all that means (finally), and honours what it requires to live the good life accordingly.

That’s why I choose to write. Because the dichotomy of the situation is I am also driven to share - especially the good stuff!

Life fascinates me - my personal interests so broad I could fill a book with the lists! And in those interests, I’m often driven to contemplate, to question, and well, I just gotta tell someone about it! Writing here, 7-days-a-week scratches that itch.

Off the keyboard, I care for a large number of animals on the beautiful island of Ibiza, dedicating myself to their well-being.

My reading is predominantly non-fiction, with interests spanning psychology, philosophy, science, business, and politics, though I’m thinking to branch into philosophical fiction to spice up my evenings?…

If you’re looking for a pal, as you journey through an introspective life, hello!, you may have found a kindred spirit.

Oh, and my personal ethos?

“To help; not to harm” - nigh on impossible to master but a delightful guide through life, nonetheless.

If you would like to catch-up elsewhere, you can find my corners of the web right here - Cat Milton Online

Oh, finally - as it's currently as divisive as politics, I'm quite pro' "AI" - it's the 8 billion parents that worry me... 😉

Medium member since February 2022
Friend of Medium since April 2024
Connect with Cat Milton
Cat Milton

Cat Milton

Friend of Medium

…“often irreverent, always authentic”… Sharing stories, tried and tested hacks, critiques, contemplations & challenges… Always with a purpose…