i-Graft Global
3 min readJun 16, 2016

Causes That Lead To Hair Loss and Hair Thinning in Women

Lustrous and glossy hair is what any women would desire. Healthy mane can add immense value to personality of a woman but then not everybody is blessed with gorgeous tresses! Especially with hectic lifestyles and high stress levels hair loss is occurring as a common issue amongst women.

Hair loss is a major culprit; the sight of a hair brush covered with hair lost can be extremely worrisome. Eventually it can even make the centre parting wider with time; it can also lead to a bald spot on the head.

How Does Hair Grow?

A woman’s scalp has around 1,00,000 hair with a life cycle of its own. Hair follicles give out a strand of hair that grows at half inch every month. This stays for 2–6 years and then stops for a month’s time. Hair falls out when the next cycle starts and most of the hair grows in this phase.

How Much of Hair Loss Is Normal?

Hair loss of 50–100 hair daily is seen. It’s normal to notice some more strands or clothes or hair brush. But if one notices excessive hair loss then head to the dermatologist.

What are the root causes of Hair Loss?

Causes for excessive hair loss, can be medical conditions or stress or lifestyle factors, poor diet, and genes too matter.

Major Hair Loss Triggers in women:

Thyroid Problems: When thyroid dysfunctions the cycle of hair growth can be affected. It can lead to major hair thinning.

PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can trigger hair fall. A human body makes male hormones-androgen in excess which causes extra hair on the face and body while the hair thins out.

Childbirth: Post childbirth it is normal to face hair fall and women can lose plenty of hair in one go.

The Pill: Hair loss can occur if pill is stopped. The hormones that stop ovulation can cause hair thinning.

Medicines: High dosage drugs that treat heart ailments, arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, chemotherapeutic issues etc can trigger hair loss.

Crash Diets: Fancy diets can lead to hair loss. For women who lose weight in no time can lose hair in a span of months.

Deficiency: Lack of essential iron, folic acid and other nutrients can lead to hair thinning and hair loss.

Tight Hairstyles: Say “no” to tight hairstyles! They can cause irritation to scalp and cause hair fall.

Cancer Treatment: Radiation and chemo therapy can deter the manes. While killing cancer cells they can destroy hair follicles and cause hair loss. But these damages can be reverses post treatment finishes.

Extreme Stress: Any kind of emotional stress or high level of physical tension can lead to loss of huge amounts of hair.

Some examples of extreme stress are:

- Major illness

- Surgery

- Blood loss trauma

- Emotional grief

It’s essential to lead a healthy life, eat healthy and stay fit to avoid hair fall. Take care of your tresses with utmost care or you might need to opt for hair loss surgery!

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