
Яна Юхименко
2 min readJan 3, 2018


This article is about Rentberry — Decentralized Home Rental Platform written by Bitcointalk user — iLatios

People all over the world have already mentioned advantages of Blockchain technology. Part of us are only informed, while others benefit, what is more, make a fortune. Both Blockchain and token ecosystem can change the way we do things and turn transparent rental platform info a global one.

Due to the information found in Whitepaper

( #Rentberry is a decentralized long-term rental ecosystem which is going to make the rental process faster and cheaper, much more protected and convenient. Rentberry is beneficial because it has more than 2 years of experience. The company was found at the end of 2015 and since than Rentberry is developing and improving its functioning platform, in contrast to many other companies that launching ICO.

Why do you need #Rentberry?

Rental industry remains unchanged while we need it to be well and fast-developed. It is too traditional while everything nowadays ought to be innovative. Leaseholders are not only losing time and money, they also make their potential consumers frustrated. In contrast they could get additional income giving tenants the opportunity to find place to live. Rentberry is going to change and make it better!

#Rentberry presents an informative and convenient web-based rental platform. With Blochchain technology it will be online and easier to use. We do not need to give data info manually and accept paper checks. What is more it is acceptable all over the world while credit cards are only valid in those countries in which they are legally qualified to work.

According to recent Harvard university researches, more and more people, different age and income groups need to rent something. Also it is mentioned, 59% of new households will rent properties by 2030.

To find out more information you can visit:

Rentberry website

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