What is better — Server-based EHR or Cloud-based EHR?

iPatientCare Inc.
3 min readAug 16, 2018


It is a daunting task to switch from paper records to Electronic Health Record. The practices think that the amount of time, money and labor that is required in creating an entirely new way of entering the information, appears to be more work than worth. But with iPatientCare cloud-based EHR, much of the burden is shifting to the Software as a service (SAAS) provider. This permits the providers to spent more time with the patients and spend less resources.

What is better — Server-based EHR or Cloud-based EHR?

In the server-based systems the data is stored within the practice on a personal server, whereas in web-based EHR the data is stored on external servers. When adapting the cloud-based EHR system, it actually solves many issues that practices may be worried about. In server-based EHR systems, thousands of dollars are spent in order to install and implement a server, hardware and software. Additionally, regular maintenance and management from local IT department is also required.

Here are some advantages of Cloud-based EHR:

  1. It is savior for space and money — need physical servers to store data which involves installation of hardware, software and expensive maintenance. Servers also have limited time-span, requiring replacement as they age and evolve. On the contrary, when you select a cloud-based EHR system, you do not need physical servers and you can function efficiently from a small space.
  2. Increase pace of your practice — there are possibilities of data getting corrupted, program running slow, or the system crashing. But, with the cloud-based EHR software, these fears are reduced and the practice’s valuable data is kept securely. All you need is the internet connection to save and retrieve your data.
  3. Simplified system — the entire process is simplified as it runs on the internet. The implementation is simple as you do not need to upgrade any hardware/software. This in turn will help in getting high ROI with low investment.
  4. Pay-as-you-go — you just have to pay monthly or annual fee for the software. The flexibility of this cloud-based system allows the providers to add new patients and locations quickly and efficiently, without garnering a lot of expense or downtime. Whether the practice is small or with multiple locations, with cloud based EHR your practice is always prepared for growth and expansion.

Cloud-based systems can be customized to meet the specific needs of hospital or practice. A good EHR system can be configured in no time to meet your practice’s needs. It helps to make your practice more open and approachable for your patients while improving efficiency and reducing human errors. There is reduced amount of time that is spent in the office tasks, such as accounting, coding and similar tasks that tie up the staff and reduce your practice’s overall efficiency.

By making the change to a cloud-based EHR software, many practices are discovering that the flexibility of these systems provide better patient needs. Whether in emergencies or everyday changes to the practice, these systems provide options for wider range of opportunities. It is in greater interest for the practice to move towards Cloud-based Ambulatory EHR.

About Author: Jessy Browne cherishes writing on varied subjects. He is a versatile writer who recently is affiliated with a company that is one of the pioneers for Cloud-based Ambulatory EHR. He is passionate about writing articles on different types of software available in healthcare industry. He is also passionate about life changing medical issues.

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iPatientCare Inc.

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