“I Hacked ‘Global Citizen’ for Free Tickets”

Satyajeet Vishwakarma
2 min readSep 18, 2016


This is about the Global Citizen’s Coldplay Concert in India.

So 80% tickets will be free of cost, and 20% tickets will be sold for money.
There will be five lucky draws, which means, 16%* tickets will be out on every draw. (16 x 5=80%)

First draw is on Sept 18th, and it requires 16* points to enter.
Winners of the draw will be announced on:

  • 22 September, 2016 (Draw I)
  • 3 October, 2016 (Draw II)
  • 14 October, 2016 (Draw III)
  • 25 October, 2016 (Draw IV)
  • 9 November, 2016 (Draw V)

To the point now — On ‘Take Actions’ tab, there’s a Referral action, by which you can earn 3 points by referring 5 people. (only if they sign up)

Here’s what to do:

  • Generate a disposable email ID. (ex: throw away mail or any other)
  • Launch an If this than that recipe from any open WR maker (not IFTTT)
  • Create a 3-way recipe.
  • Connect it with any email STM forwarding service.
  • Give ‘public access’ permission to all email ID’s.
    (By adding maker’s [source] locator)
  • Connect it with any random info generator.
  • Automate it:
    Click ‘Click here’ hyperlink
    iff (sender is ‘no-reply@globalcitizen.in’);
    and (subject is ‘Confirm your e-mail address’);
  • Done!

This process hardly took me an hour to earn 81 points.
There is no exceeding counter limit as of now.

I earned 81 points with this, which is enough for participating in all the 5 draws, and for earning 81 points, I referred 135 times.
I completed other actions too (petitions), which gave me 19 points more.

Total points earned 81+19 = 💯

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Satyajeet Vishwakarma

❛ INTP/INFP…Programmer…Developer…Curious…Futurist…Geek…Imagineer…Minimalist…Hacker…Ruminator…Luftmensch…Skeptical…Reader…Persnickety…Coffee ❜ www.iSatyajeet.com