Failure Sucks but it doesn’t scare me!

For me, failure doesn’t scare me, it still hurts every single time I fail. Something that my parents instilled in me was I know with my heart of hearts that I would never settle for failure. Failure is never a long term thing, I’ve had ups and downs. I look at fear, if you’re able to look at it and say I’m a huge fun of risk first reward.

If you look at something and say what’s the worst possible scenario, what’s the best possible scenario? If you look at those and the worst possible scenario is really not worth it, Gary V even talks about this. If you’re investing in something and you don’t want to go down to one penny and that’s the worst case scenario, don’t do that. But if you’re okay to risk that because the reward is so drastic and it has a higher percent chance of success, go for it. For me, just because a lot of these things in the failure side, when I fail yes every failure is a learning.

There’s lots of those cliches but I think for me, failure has been one of those pieces where as long as I continue to know that it will not be something that will stop me forever, it doesn’t care me at all. I fail on a regular basis because of that but I also feel like I learn fast, I will say things, I will make statements and I’m not afraid for that statement to be proven wrong because for me in that risk versus reward, the risk is I have to write a blog that says I’m sorry I was wrong. If you look at my blog, the tags on there is I’m sorry, there’s about 20 posts, I had one about Snapchat. For me, that’s the worst case, why not do it? Even though on live video, I do a lot of live video, I tell people just press the button. They’re like what if the lighting is not good? I’m like what if it’s not? You look at it and it’s not good, you hit delete video and it’s gone. You look at a lot of these things as never ending and usually they’re just short term.



Brian Fanzo | Digital Futurist, Speaker, Ai Artist

Digital Futurist — Keynote Speaker — Host of NFT 365 the first Daily NFT podcast, Creator of the ADHD Coin, ADHD SuperPowered Girl Dad and Pittsburgh Sports Fan