7 Benefits of Applying Automation to Healthcare

Healthcare IT offers a whole new way of delivering care!

4 min readAug 10, 2017

Healthcare sector is ever-functioning and crucial to the wellness of people. In the dynamic era, the healthcare segment has to be far-reaching and quality-driven. The aim is to deliver better and superior services every time. Automation in healthcare is becoming very popular to achieve these goals. The adoption of information technology automation across various sectors has proven its worth.

More than 165,000 health & medical apps are available in the mobile market. Out of these, 70% apps are for general wellness issues like fitness, lifestyle & stress, and diet. The remaining apps focus on specific health conditions (9%), medication info & reminders (6%) and women’s health & pregnancy (7%). This shows the common interest of one and all to leverage healthcare IT.

Automation is useful to all healthcare organisations regardless of their size. It includes hospitals, healthcare trusts, mobile healthcare, private clinics, public-sector and NHS, insurers and all those involved in serving patients.

Amalgamation of Automation

Automated solutions are capable of tackling the complex challenges of the healthcare sector. The primary reasons for increased popularity of healthcare IT solutions are — tech-savvy people, ease of work with apps, need for flexibility, well-defined processes, easy availability, data security, staffing projects, tightened budgets, optimised workflows, workforce management, patient self-help, etc.

Listing 7 major benefits of applying automation to the healthcare industry:

1. Adherence to Compliance

Medical and healthcare facilities deal with PHI (Protected Health Information) of patients. They must follow the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulation rules. Automating the data and case management ensures the necessary compliance. Configuring the workflows and usage rights helps to control the accessibility. Thus, only the approved healthcare professionals have the authority to access patient-related details. Data security is very crucial as it concerns a patient’s sensitive information. In no case, it should go in wrong hands.

2. Continuous Conscious Care

Healthcare IT automation empowers the entire system to deliver high-quality care. With the uniform processes in place, there is consistency in providing healthcare services. Electronic health records (EMR) govern the advanced way of managing the patient information. The records are available in real-time. Also, it simplifies the administrative work like patient indexing, data entry, employee tasks, patient progress and medical history. Healthcare IT automation provisions timely follow-ups, close monitoring, reminders and billing cycle.

3. Shrink Additional Expenses

80% healthcare professionals have experienced significant cost reduction and time savings with the use of electronic prescriptions. The digital platform reduces the use of paper and saves related costs and time. A healthcare service provider can meet budget limits with automation. The cloud-based technology offers quick deployment, scalability to expand the system as required, flexible pricing, reduced staff overtime costs, no extra infrastructure or special hires and labour costs.

4. Lesser Inaccuracies

The right healthcare services have the power to save lives. Also, silly mistakes can cost lives. Any form of error has no place when it comes to delivering care. Humans tend to commit mistakes due to their inattentiveness or fatigue. On the other side, automated processes are a boon. It is possible to automate the detailed monitoring for timely care as and when required. The staff can use these automated systems to design their own workflows. It guarantees higher value outcome. The centralised platform offers transparency and streamlined collaboration leaving no room for errors.

5. Futuristic Decisions with Data

For the healthcare sector, data is a big treasure. A medical organisation can make profitable decisions with the strategic use of data. Healthcare automation redirects the approach from reactive to proactive. All the resourceful information in the database helps to predict the upcoming requirements. It prepares to take necessary actions. It also opens new marketing opportunities with trend-spotting capabilities. Rather than relying on manual reports, use automation to generate customised reports. These automated reports track the complete data for actionable insights.

6.Productive & Engaged Workforce

One of the greatest advantages of healthcare automation is ’empowered workforce’. The role of healthcare professionals demands utmost attention to their work. In their hectic schedules, automation acts as their companion to serve more patients. They need not worry about the repetitive work. Healthcare employees are able to treat their patients in a more responsible manner. The system manages rest of the repetitive things. For mobile caregivers, workforce apps provide information on-the-go! Thereby it reduces the travelling time and freeing them from laborious administrative work.

7. Patient Participation

200+ healthcare providers reported that 90% of respondents are using mobile devices within their organisations for active patient engagement in healthcare, reveals a 2015 HIMSS Mobile Technology Survey. This is a clear sign that mobile apps are assisting connected care services. Today’s generation is quite adapted to the mobile and the Internet culture. It is unquestionable to engage patients with self-service mobile apps. They ease the patient care management. It has features to book appointments, see their history, pay bills, seek advice, access suggested precautions, telemedicine and communicate with the doctors on a regular basis.

Healthcare industry cannot afford to take chances. Hence it is very necessary to get rid of the old inefficient processes. The healthcare IT automation will optimise the existing processes to a greater extent. Also, it will boost productivity, improve patient care and maximise revenues.

Originally published at www.itouchvision.com




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