Top 5 Trends To Expect for CRM in 2030!

5 min readJun 24, 2016

Customer Relationship Management is a common term with a special importance for every kind of business. While we have seen companies adopting it for betterment & progress, on the other side, CRM has been neglected as a measure to combat financial constraints. Overall results of the growth clearly indicate that without a good and advanced CRM approach, no business had ever, has ever and no business will ever reach the heights of success.

As quoted by the editors of CRM Magazine- Once thought of as a type of software, CRM has evolved into a customer-centric philosophy that must permeate an entire organization. There are three key elements to a successful CRM initiative: people, process, and technology.

CRM industry is growing at an overwhelming rate, all thanks to the technology! There have been drastic changes in CRM implications, usage, and adoption by SMEs due to SaaS, digitization, and ROI breaks. Latest developments in customer relationship sector promise to transform it by reevaluating the core processes and helping the businesses to realign their workflows.

CRM software industry has travelled a long journey from papers to early desktop-based tools to the next generation SaaS applications. Advanced CRM or CRM Next is foreseeing a complete collaboration on the cloud platform with integration of sales and marketing automation, ERP solutions, mobile interface, social media, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

Intensive market research and analysis of technical tendencies put the following five elements as emerging trends of CRM in 2030:

Mobile and Mobility

Demand for easy, quick and convenient services are bound to rise as people get busier and dependent on mobiles. It will become necessary for the impending businesses to employ workforce who can travel to different sites and deliver goods, complete actions, fulfill service requests, provide assistance and be there in minimum time. Advanced CRM in the next decade will be focused to provide mobile applications with one-to-all features for the customer user and for the employees to access all information on their smart devices. With this intent, our team has been working to develop applications with ‘seconds to self-service’ concept. Expect powerful functionalities with location specific features & tracking, video calls, media sharing beyond limits, one-step secure payments, and optimized user interface and away from monologue communication towards the all-in-one application. This would mean reduction is costs to manage a huge workforce, since the mobile application will show show crystal clear information at each step.

Work with Wearables

Wearable technology is in its early stages; still, we can see a lot of attraction and potential in it. The wearable revolution is one of the strongest pillars to support mobility. With the advent of products like Apple Watch and Samsung Gear, the market is gradually getting inclined to develop applications that will be compatible with such gadgets. Talking about its viability, businesses can use these devices for the employees’ on-the-go to communicate with them in no time. Representatives sporting wearables with applications will enable them to totally get rid of paper, bags, and any extra burden. Synchronising data instantly will enable to identify nearby opportunities with geo-location mapping, voice-to-text, updates on the availability, traffic updates and real-time reporting at their ease.

Human-centric Intelligence

CRM Next will be based on the philosophy to develop a bond with customers in a way that they are retained for now and forever in the ultracompetitive landscape. IoT (Internet of Things) is permitting the companies to get every inch closer to their audience and understand their requirements. Customer-centric intelligence indicates the rise of the CRM solutions that will use algorithms to examine customers’ likes, preferences, relations, demographics, gender, societal status, history, and sociological impact and churn the data to come up with the relevant details. This will have a profound influence on engaging them. Availability of digital platforms and open-minded customers who will be ready to experiment will provide a whole new ocean of opportunities and a 360-degree advanced CRM shall be the factor to grab it, use it and benefit from it. Customer relationship will be deepened with every level of personalisation and human-centric intelligent features on their apps.

Vertical-focused Victory

A specific solution tailor-made to meet the requirements of a particular industry will be the demand! The reasons are pretty obvious that every industry would like to optimize their services as per their consumers and not just compromise with a generalized solution. For example, healthcare sales representatives and patients would wish for more precise information & instant services as it deals with lives compared to the housing management that would focus more on facilities. To meet the challenges thrown by the market, verticalization of advanced CRM systems will help them to serve their customers in the best way. Customer experience (CX) technology will be at the core of CRM platform which will be driven according to the various verticals. We have been working with professionals from different sector that helps us to understand industry-specific needs and accordingly design the best possible solution for their end-users.

Ability and Analytics

Our team has been developing powerful reporting suite to make corporate future-ready with accurate decision-making ability. However, still, there are companies who overlook the reporting part and do not consider it as important as it should be. Future of CRM will be much more sorted with predictive analysis and fact-based decision making. The demand for CRM systems capable of self-analyzing the captured data and anticipating sales potential will be pertinent. It will be a win-win for the marketers to utilize this functionality, study customer habits and prepare for the upcoming demands and issues, while for the customer, they will be served and facilitated in the exact and expected way. Real-time analytics with precision will improve customer acquisition to retention ratio and amplify the employee’s ability to support and attend them broadening the whole system.

Companies should look for these and few more developments in the advanced CRM software. Cloud-based CRM solutions will be in prominent and dominant for all the verticals with advantages like-

  • Enhanced Customer Experiences
  • Employee Retention & Engagement
  • Sales, Support and Satisfaction
  • Tailored Personalisation
  • Instant Actions
  • Simplified Interactions
  • Instant Actions
  • Deep Integration of All Systems
  • Bridges Gaps of Communication
  • High Productivity with Streamlined Processes

If you are a company who is yet to leverage CRM technology for your business, make sure to take a step in the present to reap the future welfare and revenue. Choosing a CRM solution will not be easy, but do keep your employees’ mobility and customers’ expectations in mind.

To gain a competitive edge, future will be based on cloud solutions that will be a cost-effective investment with no specialized hardware requirement, mobile enablement and develop a strong brand with personalized interactions.

Originally published at on June 24, 2016.




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