I Made It past 100 Followers — And I Wish I Hadn’t

How making it into the Medium Partnership Programme ruined everything for me

Iain Adam
4 min readFeb 26, 2022
Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

I Made it to 100 followers — and I wish i hadn’t bothered

I did it. I made it to one hundred followers. The hallowed ground. I am now at the stage where I am eligible to make it into the Medium Partnership Programme.

Pretty cool huh?

Well, no not really. It has been a massive disappointment and I even think my writing has suffered for it. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

I’m sure you will have seen the posts. How to get to 100 followers in 4 minutes, My guaranteed strategy for getting followers, or Follow me, and I’ll follow you back. Please don’t listen to these posts, please don’t chase followers, it’s just not worth it.

I spent some time following writers that I liked and had the same interest as. Many of them followed me back. When people commented on my articles, I took the time to read them and comment on the ones I liked. In a nutshell, I was interacting with the community in a meaningful way. However, that all changed when I went past one hundred followers.

Obsessed with the statistics



Iain Adam

Father, Teacher, Maker, Husband | Top Writer in Writing