The Most Meaningful Comments That Were Left on My Article

Saying thank you to those that helped me

Iain Adam
3 min readMar 1, 2022
Photo by Frame Harirak on Unsplash

Recently I wrote about the struggles I had been feeling with writing. For me, everything changed once I got to one hundred followers and I lost my way.

I stopped being genuine and started writing about what I thought people wanted. I started to write about what I thought would drive engagement and be more profitable.

I was wrong. So I did what anyone else would do on Medium. I wrote an article about it. I tried to be as open and honest as I could be. I hoped that my writing would maybe help somebody else who was feeling the same way.

I hoped that my writing would perhaps stop somebody from chasing the one hundred follower mark and help them stay focused on the writing. But something strange happened.

That article of mine received the most comments of anything I have ever written. Instead of me giving advice, strangers took time out of their day to console me.

I want to share the best pieces of advice I was given in the comments, who it was that gave it, and my favorite article of theirs. This is my way of saying thank you and hopefully paying it forward so others will go read their work.

It’s normal you feel this way. However, I…



Iain Adam

Father, Teacher, Maker, Husband | Top Writer in Writing