Building Flutter Desktop Apps: Creating Installable Exe Files for Windows

Umair Hashmi
3 min readApr 26, 2024

This comprehensive guide simplifies the process, making it accessible to developers of all levels. Now, share your Flutter desktop app with the world!Prerequisites

Before we dive in, ensure you have Visual Studio installed on your system.

Step 1: Enable Flutter Desktop

Open your terminal in Android Studio and run the following commands:

flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
flutter build windows

Step 2: Set Up Inno Setup Compiler

Download and install the Inno Setup Compiler from this

Step 3: Configuring Inno Setup Compiler

Open Inno Setup Compiler.

Click “Next” in the welcome screen.

Fill in your application information (name, etc.).

Click “Next” without making any changes.

Click “Browse” and navigate to your Flutter project directory: myflutterAPP -> build -> windows -> x64 -> runner -> release.

Select the ApplicationType file and press open.

Click “Add Files” and add all files except the Flutter logo app.

Click “Add Folder” and add the data folder located at myflutterAPP -> build -> windows -> x64 -> runner -> release.

Double-click the added data folder, enter “data” in the destination subfolder field, and click “OK”.

Click “Next” without making any changes.

  1. Uncheck the option shown in the image and click “Next”.

Continue clicking “Next” until you reach the “Output of the Setup Compiler” screen.

Define the path for the output of the exe file and click “Next”.

Click “Next” until you reach the final screen.

Click “Finish”, then “Yes”, and finally “Yes” again.

Save the setup script.

Testing the Exe File

Navigate to the output folder, double-click on the exe file, and install the application on your desktop.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully built a Flutter desktop app and created an installable exe file for Windows. Happy coding!

[Include images with corresponding steps for better understanding.]



Umair Hashmi

Flutter Developer | Firebase | RESTful APIs | MVVM | State Management