Free DIY Classes: My First The Home Depot DIH Workshop w/ Delilah

24/7 Modern Mom
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2017

This post has been sponsored by Niche Network and Home Depot. Free DIY Classes: My First The Home Depot DIH Workshop


I’ve always had a special kind of love for The Home Depot. Seriously. I frequently go into my local store just to walk around. There’s something about being there that makes me feel so capable and inspired. I want to build and create. I want to imagine. Just being there makes me feel empowered.

I’ve known about The Home Depot’s FREE DIY classes for some time. They make the coolest things and teach some very practical skills. Everything you need is on hand and there is plenty of staff to help, so it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner. You can build and create! Plus, it’s FREE! Make it and take it home. On Thursday, I attended my first DIH (Do-It-Herself) workshop with special celebrity guest, Delilah, star of Delilah Radio. Some amazing blogger friends were there, too; Audrey from Mom Generations, Emily from Simply Real Moms, and Kim from The Kim Six Fix.

DIY Classes Bloggers

The Home Depot got it right, partnering with Delilah! She has so many fans from every generation and she sincerely appreciates them! From young children to grandparents, everyone wanted to get some time with Delilah. Honestly, she was the last one to leave. I happen to know the story of what went on behind-the-scenes that day, since I was there.

Let me tell you, dear Delilah had quite the day! Her day was already super long, her plane was delayed, her phone broke, and she had so many people counting on her. Waiting on her. She walked in barely before the event was about to start, but she was happy to be there, doing what she loves with the people who love her! You would have NEVER guessed how her day had gone though, because it didn’t show. Not for a minute. She taught, mingled, hugged, laughed, and enjoyed her fans.

free diy classes with delilah
free diy classes jewelry holder
free diy classes home depot east palo alto
home depot free diy classes with delilah

After our private interviews with Delilah, it was time for the live event and accompanying twitter party.

free diy classes live
free diy classes home depot

See?! You get everything you need. The time went by so quickly because it was just fun. In fact, the time went by so quickly that I didn’t even make mine. I spent a lot of time talking to attendees and learning about their stories. There was a sweet married couple that turned it into a s/he competition. SHE won! In fact, Audrey interviewed that couple, so be sure to check out her site, and she’ll have a few other videos as well.

There was a single mom with her two children. They were having the best quality time and it didn’t cost them a nickel! There was a sweet elderly couple. When I was talking to the wife I asked her why she hadn’t painted her jewelry case yet. Well, she wanted to paint it a special color pink, at home. Then she proceeded to pull out all of her pink belongings, and told me she had more in her car. It was the cutest!

my first Home Depot DIY classes

I know I keep mentioning the free part, but I want to make sure you get that. There are those things that are free with strings attached and then there is free. The Home Depot DIY classes are free. No one is going to give you a sales pitch, try to sell you something, or make you feel like you need to make a purchase. Nope. They are just there to make sure you have all the help you need, learn, create, and enjoy. I’ve found a new hobby!

Register for a class in your area, HERE! Be sure to follow The Home Depot on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.

What is the last DIY project you made? Share in the comments!

By: Alicia Gonzalez

Originally published at 24/7 Modern Mom™.



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