I had no idea that HPV is so common.

24/7 Modern Mom
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2020

This post is made possible with support from the American Cancer Society. All opinions are my own.

Several years ago, I became a volunteer with Make-A-Wish. People sometimes have the wrong idea about the organization. Often, they think of sick children in the last days of their lives. The truth is, many Make-A-Wish children are on the road to recovery and entering a new journey with a long life ahead of them. Families are usually excited about a wish experience and optimistic about the future.

Of course, I’ve never met a Make-A-Wish parent who wouldn’t give anything and everything to skip their child’s experience with a life-threatening disease, like cancer. I’ve thought about this a lot over my recent years with the organization and through my work with so many families.

I realize that I can’t protect my children from everything, but the HPV vaccine when they’re young can help to prevent 6 types of cancer when they’re older! I’ve met quite a few families touched by cancer. It’s a difficult, heart wrenching, and sometimes fatal experience. So, I’ve had real talks with my children’s pediatrician and decided to give my 10 year-old-triplets the HPV vaccine to protect them on their way to adulthood, as these cancers appear later in life.

I had no idea that HPV is so common! Studies show that 8 out of 10 people will get HPV at some point in their lives. The vaccination can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers when given at the recommended age — between 9 and 12.

This is where I am. Where are you with the decision?
Talk to your doctor about what’s right for your children. The HPV vaccine is cancer prevention. Like I said, I know some people who would give anything to prevent cancer from touching their families. Get the facts about HPV and cancer from the American Cancer Society.



24/7 Modern Mom

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