4 min readJun 1, 2020

What is Caste System & when this will be get eradicated from India?

May be he’s Proud to say his surname(lol)

Eradication : “Destroy completely, as if down to the root.”

India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of surviving social stratification. The BBC explains!

How did caste come about?

Manusmriti, widely regarded to be the most important and authoritative book on Hindu law and dating back to at least 1,000 years before Christ was born, “acknowledges and justifies the caste system as the basis of order and regularity of society”.

The system which divides Hindus into rigid hierarchical groups based on their work and also it is a way of dividing a society into differently ranked tiers of people

If the system is divided based on the work then I could see most lower caste people were in very big position along with a good education, means those who are well educated and have a creative mind to survive in the society and helps a lot of needy should be the respected person.

Our people(Indians) made the word “Caste” very popular all over the world. Like if someone want’s to know the meaning of the word “Caste” even google gives a wonderful definition - “each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status”.

Caste can also refer generally to a social class system n any society”: states Cambridge Dictionary.

How do we eradicate it?

Well, we cannot eradicate it 100% but there is chance that every individual can open up their eyes to know the reality.

Changing the Mindset:

People are so much interested to know your caste and community. No matter how well educated you are, when it comes in Caste, many people become too low level.

“Personally I had a lot of experience in that, I used to work in Software firm where we think that people used to follow the latest trend and emerging technology, but the reality is, on my finger countable statistics, around 10% of people wants to know about their colleague’s caste”.

So one has to change mind set in a way that it could help him treating others the same way he treat his own “group” of people.

Reservation based on Caste:

People should treat every individual equally irrespective of your social status.The government has to make an effort to help/reservation for people who are financially backward for proper education.

Love & Marriage:

I still don’t understand that when two opposite genders loves each other they are attracted by their inner beauty of caring each other with lot of kindness but when it come to marriage, the high caste people always discriminate low caste’s & they never gonna marry.

Recently I gone through a beautiful and a most painful lines wrote by an adult to their parents “When I finally tell my parents about the guy I love, I want their immediate question to be ‘Does he love you too?’-look beyond caste & religion

People should raise their voice to fight against “caste based discrimination

Self Discipline & Improvement:

  1. There should be no discrimination between rich and poor.
  2. New generations should understand equality and each and every people needs to be treated as same.
  3. If you are so rich, help the poor and spend some time with them.
  4. Try to stand on your own legs unless depending on family, which will teach you a lot of lessons.
  5. Elder or Younger respect every one.

Software Engineer — Socialist — Gamer— Beginner Writer