Bihar Startup BookOurBooks Bring Back Book Reading Into The Era Of Kindle

Abhinav Pundir
2 min readNov 16, 2020


Booksourbooks Founder Mr Kumar M. AnandE.g.
Mr Kumar M. Anand

They say that reading is the only way for you to expand your mind, open your eyes and fill up your hearts. But with the advancement of technology, people have stopped investing in good books. They are getting the same content on their screens, and the hiked prices of the books aren’t motivating people to purchase the treatises. So to exterminate this problem, Mr Kumar M. Anand came up with an idea of connecting our country with books. Bookourbooks is his startup which helps the person to buy the book at an affordable price. He can also resell it at the same price.

Mr Kumar M.Anand and his team started working on this idea in March 2019, and they executed in June 2019. The Bihar Government acknowledged his strive to connect India with books through his startup. Among thousands of applicants, Mr Kumar M. Anand’s startup was recognised as “Startup with Potential.” If everything goes according to their plan, this startup will be offering books to several menages in no time. This step will not only benefit their startup, but it will also lead to the development of Bihar.

Bookourbooks has come up with two new additions that are Blog and Partnerstore. The Partnerstore’s work is similar to IndiaMart’s platform. It offers people to become a member of their website and gives them access to buy books and resell them. The Blogs section is for those readers who want to express their imaginations through their writings. Anand believes that every reader is a writer. BookOurBooks.Com encourages every person to express their views and connect with different people through their writings.

It wasn’t facile for Anand to come this far. At first, his website didn’t get the acknowledgement it deserves because of several other e-commerce websites that offer the books at a lower price. Moreover, they didn’t have any online payment method, which became a challenge itself since every millennial with a smartphone is comfortable with online payments. But his ardour to connect people with books kept motivating him. Anand, along with his team, invested in several practices, including social media marketing so that this initiative will reach to maximum people. When we asked him about his plans, he said “ My startup is an Indian website which is helping around 1000 persons per district. We are serving around 750 communities, and we have collaborated with three bookstores in each section. If everything goes according to our scheme, then the love of reading will bring the readers and sellers together in no time.” Anand’s motive is to bring back the reading culture, and this zest for it shows that he will be successful.

