A Step Towards Holistic Growth-

Sagar Dasgupta
9 min readMar 6, 2020


A Digital Marketing Internship Program by Digital Deepak

It was in March of 2019 when I heard about the Online Millionaire Summit. I enrolled in this online summit because I thought this summit was one of a kind, as this was the first time the leading ’Digital Professionals’ of the country were coming together to guide the country towards ’Digitally oriented businesses’.

This was the first time I heard about Deepak Kanakaraju. He was being addressed over there as ”The man who created the Biggest Digital Marketing Community in India”. This made me watch his interviews and his Ted Talk where he spoke about how blogging changed his life, twice. That really inspired me and I started gathering information about the ‘Digital Space’ and also about Deepak Kanakaraju, his company PixelTrack and his website DigitalDeepak, and I end up purchasing his Digital Marketing Mastery Bundle Pro course. This course is one of the best courses on digital marketing considering the quality content and the price value at which it is available.

But somehow I could not convert the quality knowledge into action. And, as someone rightly said- ”Knowledge not used is Garbage”. So I wanted a program that primarily deals with a practical use of the knowledge. And then I heard about the Internship Program by Digital Deepak.

I instantly enrolled for the program, after I heard that you also get paid when you complete the assignments. I mean what better motivator than money. It is ’Earn while you learn’ concept, which I think is a great practical concept and is fairly new to the Indian education industry.

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. So Hello People! I hope you guys are doing great. Myself Sagar Dasgupta. I did my B.Tech In Genetic Engineering and worked as a Neuroscience Researcher in Sweden. Currently, I am working as a Marketer and Health Coach, and I am also a National Level Table Tennis Player.

I was already intrigued by Digital Marketing since the time I heard that you can even track the customer’s cursor movement in a website. I thought that as this type of technology is available, and being a marketer, I should at least experience the technology. This was one of the main reasons I joined the program.

The 1st assignment of the program is to write about what Deepak Sir has explained in his 1st Session. So I am writing this as a part of my assignment. So, here is the brief of what he explained in the 1st session:

Deepak Sir started the session by quoting- ”All is well when you sell sell sell”. Because as a Digital Marketer your main objective is to sell or help a business to sell.

He then discussed how this internship program is going to be different from any other program out there. He says this program is based on ’Learning by Doing’, which is based on a concept he follows known as the Golden Triangle. This method is how you can get anything registered in your brain for the long-term.

Golden Triangle:

That is, Learn a topic. Apply it practically. Teach what you have learned.

After that, Deepak Sir talked about some key aspects which are explained below:

  1. Marketing Fundamentals:

Here, he says ”You have to be a Marketer first, before becoming a Digital Marketer” and marketing is all about understanding:

a) Human Psychology

b) Human Behaviour

c) How to Communicate

2. Finding the Gold:

He says you need to find the need of the people or say some solution to people’s problems so that people are willing to pay money in exchange. Also, the market is ever-expanding. This is because ’new solutions give rise to new needs’. For example- to reduce the time of traveling, the car was invented. Now, the car(which is a solution to a problem) needs seats, seat cover, stereo tapes, and other accessories. This is how a solution to a problem creates new needs in the market. So as the number of solutions to problems increases, the needs increases and hence the market expands.

3. Global Economics:

He talks about understanding economics so that you can understand the system of business better. Here are some points which he focused on:

a) The Economy of a country goes up when the average age of the country goes up, as people spend more.

b) The Economy of a country goes down when the average age of the country goes above 50, the household spending goes down.

c) Debt creates money. Debt increases the circulation of money.

d) The deflation of the money supply happens when people start to repay their debts.

e) People will always pay money for value.

f) During the recession, only strong companies survive while the weak companies fail.

He also states ”if you just survive the recession, it will kill all your competitors and you will come out as the only player in the market.”

Also, here are some books that Deepak Sir suggested if you want to learn more about economics- Economics 101, Currency Wars.

4. Communication Skills:

He says, communication is the basic medium through which we interact with people and hence it is the key skill needed for any kind of business. He also focuses on improving writing skills, which is essential in the field of digital marketing.

Then he talks about the communication medium, which will keep on changing but what you communicate, the way you communicate and how you are going to solve peoples’ problems is never going to change because human psychology doesn’t change much.

Also, he shares some easy yet effective ways to master the communication skills which are as following:

a) Read a lot(30 minutes a day)

b) Listen to podcasts(30 minutes a day)

c) Write a lot(500 words a day)

d) Watch English Sitcoms(Office, Seinfield, Silicon Valley and more)

Communication skills are one of those skills in which the more you practice, the better you get at it.

5. Future of Digital Marketing:

He mentions, Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing and makes it clear that ”Digital Marketing will flourish as long as the marketing exists” and we all can agree that marketing is not going away anywhere anytime soon. And then he talked more about digital marketing and how it can change the course of marketing and influence the market of India as it is fairly a new field.

He then discussed how the components of Digital Marketing work together and complements each other through his ’Integrated Digital Marketing Flow Chart’.

Through this flow chart, he explains that Content is the King” and as long as you serve your audience with quality content, combined with the skills of SEO, the approach of Social Media, Paid Ads Traffic and Email Marketing, you will get quantity in terms of Sales. So according to the core of Integrated Digital Marketing, I can say that- ”If you assume your website as a temple, then the Content is the God in that temple.”

6. How to Select your Niche:

He says selecting a Niche should be a combination of :

a) Passion

b) Talent

c) Market Opportunity

And it is important that the Niche you have chosen must excite you because then only you will be able to show signs of improvement.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”- Steve Jobs

He says there are 3 Major Niches where people are ready to pay money in exchange for their problems being solved:

a) Health

b) Money

c) Relationship

He then explains how the revenue depends on 2 types of model:

a) Low-value product and High-volume customer-

Get 10,000 customers who are willing to pay 1000 Rs= Potential Revenue of 1crore

b) High-value product and Low-volume customer-

Get 1000 customers who are willing to pay 10,000 Rs= Potential Revenue of 1crore

Deepak Sir says, ”It is very important to be in the top of your niche then only people will know you and will be able to remember you”

7. How to do Market Research:

He suggests once you have chosen your choice of niche you have to go for market research to understand the market demand. And to understand the market demand you have to find out what are the problems people are facing so that you can find a solution for that.

So to find the market demand and the problems people are facing, Deepak Sir shared some paid and free tools:

a) Google Auto Suggest

b) Answer The Public.com

c) Keywordtool.io

d) Ubersuggest

e) Ahrefs

f) Moz

He tells the best way to solve a problem is through ’Scratch your own Itch’ method. That is if you find a problem then try to find a solution by yourself.

8. Building your Personal Brand:

He starts this topic by quoting ”The Best Known will always beat the Best”. He then talks about why it is important to build your personal brand. This is because to show your character and personality so that people can connect with you and can build a relationship with you. He makes it clear that one should not hesitate to put out content and should not fear of standing out.

Then he talks about why he is so successful in teaching Digital Marketing by saying, and I quote- ”People want to hear from people and they don’t want to hear from a Logo or a Brand. Learning is something which is very personal.”

He then shares a mantra on building your personal brand-

”Publish content in different forms, with more content you own more of internet.”

Also, he shares why he is so successful as a Digital Marketing Trainer, Digital Marketer, Blogger- ”Because he publishes free valuable content in his website DigitalDeepak as well as he has a free digital marketing course in learndigitalmarketing.com”.


Well, these are some of the crucial points that were explained in the 1st session of the program. And from this article, you can see the spectrum of topics that were explained by Deepak Sir in the 1st session itself which explains that this program is much more than just a Digital Marketing Course. It rather focuses more on personal development which is necessary for any kind of wealth creation and also surely on technical skills needed in the field. Also, to make the interns more connected to each other, there are groups created on Facebook and Telegram where the interns help each other out by motivating and supporting each other and also by providing necessary feedback.

So looking at the wide variety of topics explained by Deepak Sir and experiencing the helping and supporting nature of the interns in the groups I can say that it is a learning experience of a holistic nature.

What do you guys think about the Internship program from this post?

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Sagar Dasgupta

Health Coach, Digital Marketer, Genetic Engineer and Researcher, now studying Human Psychology.