The Power of Consistency: Writing an Article Every Day for 900 Days

Anshul Panwar
3 min readMar 7, 2023

Consistency is a crucial ingredient to success, and this principle applies to writing as well. In today’s fast-paced world, content creation is an essential aspect of building a brand or establishing yourself as a thought leader. However, it’s not enough to write sporadically; you need to maintain a consistent writing schedule to see real results.

In this article, we’ll explore the power of consistency by diving into one writer’s experience of writing an article a day for 950 days straight. We’ll discuss the benefits of consistent writing, the challenges that come with it, and how to maintain a daily writing habit.

Benefits of Consistent Writing

One of the most significant benefits of consistent writing is that it helps you develop discipline and focus. When you commit to writing every day, you’re training your brain to focus on the task at hand, even when you don’t feel like it. This habit of showing up every day, regardless of your mood or inspiration, builds resilience and helps you overcome writer’s block.

Another advantage of consistent writing is that it helps you improve your writing skills. Writing is a craft, and like any craft, it requires practice to master. When you write every day, you’re honing your skills and refining your writing style. Over time, you’ll start to notice improvements in your grammar, sentence structure, and overall writing quality.

Challenges of Consistent Writing

Of course, writing an article every day for 950 days is no easy feat. There are plenty of challenges that come with maintaining a daily writing habit. For one, it can be challenging to find the time to write every day, especially if you have a busy schedule. Additionally, writing every day can lead to burnout and fatigue if you don’t take care of yourself.

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential to set realistic goals and boundaries. Start by committing to a specific amount of time or word count each day and stick to it. Take breaks when you need them, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day. Remember, consistency is about showing up as often as possible, not about being perfect.

Maintaining a Daily Writing Habit

So, how can you maintain a daily writing habit? Here are a few tips:

  1. Set specific goals: Decide on a word count or amount of time you want to dedicate to writing each day.
  2. Create a routine: Establish a routine that works for you, whether it’s writing first thing in the morning or last thing at night.
  3. Eliminate distractions: Minimize distractions by turning off your phone, closing your email, and finding a quiet space to write.
  4. Celebrate small wins: Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Every day that you write is a victory.
  5. Stay motivated: Find ways to stay motivated, whether it’s by reading inspiring quotes, listening to music, or taking breaks to recharge.

In conclusion, consistency is a powerful tool for writers. By writing an article every day for 950 days, one writer was able to develop discipline, improve their writing skills, and overcome challenges. If you want to see similar results, commit to a daily writing habit, set realistic goals, and stay motivated. With time and practice, you’ll become a better writer and achieve your writing goals.



Anshul Panwar

Writer & Content Creator on Medium exploring AI, tech, health & the human experience. Follow for Step by Step guide . AI prompt's -