Analogue Vs Digital Hearing Aids

Anvi Sharma
2 min readDec 18, 2017

Before the digital technology came in analogue hearing aids were the only hearing aids. Even after the digital hearing aids were developed they still are in the reckoning. Though in the present age the digital hearing aids are more popular, the analogue ones still score in case of the price. At our Hearing aids center in Greater Noida we have encased the whole story of the analogue hearing aids and how they helped the coming of the digital hearing aids. Even at our hearing aids clinic in Chandigarh, we have a option of analogue hearing aids for people who cannot afford digital ones, and this choice is being offered even at our hearing aids center in Jalandhar. One must know the difference and advantages of both kind of hearing aids, and the topic for today is Analogue hearing aids and digital hearing aids.

Hearing Aid Center

How Analogue aids work and their advantages

Analogue hearing aids work on the principle of making all sounds louder. They amplify both noise and speech. Some of them are programmable where the settings can be changed as per the environment. So, the user can change the settings from a noisy environment to quiet environment. This is generally done by pushing a button.

Siemens Hearing Aids

The advantages of analogue hearing aids are:

• They are cheaper than digital hearing aids.
• Some of them are more powerful than their digital counterparts
• People who require the hearing aid the whole day generally prefer the analogue ones as the cost is less as compared to power and battery life.

Digital Hearing aids and their advantages

Digital hearing aids work the same way as their analogue brothers but difference is that they convert sound waves into digital signals. The digital signals can then be manipulated to suit the user. They can address the speci8fic hearing impairment problem.

The advantages of digital hearing aids are:

• Can be programmed as per the listening environment
• Very flexible and can be modulated as per the user needs
• Reduces noise so that the user can hear the relevant sound

