Christina Anderson
9 min readApr 8, 2019
Secrets on How To Flirt With Girls

Learning how to flirt with a girl can seem scary. Finding out how to get a girl to like you is tricky. Successful flirting is learning the secrets that will give you a successful line of attack that will boost your self-confidence. These flirting secrets will give you things that you can say and you will never run out of things you can do that will cause attraction and sexual craving in girls. These flirting secrets will teach you how to flirt with a girl and how to get a girl to like you.

Learning How To Flirt With A Girl Means Learning How to Get a Girl to Like You. What is Flirting All About?

To successful flirt with a girl, you need to understand what the secret to flirting is. Learning how to flirt with a girl and how to get a girl to like you is different than learning how to flirt with a guy. Flirting is a lively way to use conversation and your body language that carries out of the form of social interaction with a girl. The primary method of interaction is the tease. The tease along with funny interactions is an influential form of connection with girls. Taking these lessons from this article and putting them into practice will make yourself more attractive to a girl to the point where she will not say NO to you.

Learning How To Flirt With A Girl Means Finding Out How to Tease a Girl

You have to engage your body language that screams attraction. Learning how to tease a girl when correctly done will generate enormous magnetism and carry a talk which will bring it to the next level. You don’t have to do this in person. There are many different ways to learn how to flirt over a text conversation. Some of these tips can be used for getting a girl to like you.

The core of everything you do is all part of a tease. Look at some of these flirting examples. Look at one way on how to get a girlfriend in high school. Let’s say that a girl you are eyeing drops something on the ground, or you could take a $1 bill drop it on the floor next to the girl, then pick it up and hand it to her. But instead of letting go of the item, you hang on to it for a second or two. If the girl smiles, you can return the smile with a wink of your eye. Then you can let the item go and let the girl have it. This action is an ice-breaker that doesn’t use words with a hint of a tease.

If you try a tease and it does not go as planned, can pass everything off as a joke. If you add humor to a bad situation, you can get out of a bad conversation and get it back on track.

Learn How To Flirt With A Girl By Reading These Icebreaker Ideas. These are Some Examples of Flirting Conversations:

1. Funny Icebreaker Questions

2. 100 Questions That Will Help You Break The Ice With Anyone You Meet

3. Five Flirty Icebreakers

4. Natural Ice Breakers

5. Use This Easy Ice Breaker to Meet More Girls

6. 36 Racy, Random Funny Icebreaker Questions for Flirty Guys

7. Flirty Icebreaker Pick Up Lines

The Beginning Steps To Learning How To Flirt With A Girl Mean You Have To Find Out How To Hold A Conversation With A Girl

If you want to learn how to get a girl to like you, the key thing is to finding out how to start a conversation with a girl. Pick your words carefully and be charming and delightful and amazing. Are you trying to learn how to flirt online or do you want to learn how to flirt with a friend? There are many ways you can learn how to flirt. Don’t do what everyone else does like telling her how good she looks. Girls who are good looking, people say they are beautiful all the time. Let us say you are going to compliment a girl, compliment her on something based on her personality. Don’t just give it away right away. Make her earn it. This way it has value.

Another bad pickup line is to offer to buy her a drink when you first meet her. This bad pick up line makes you come across that you are desperate and needy. You want to stand out with your approach and keep it going. Start your conversation off with offering to show her a magic trick, do something playful or funny. The secret is to learn what to say when flirting with a girl. There are many ways to impress a girl. Let’s take a look at more flirting examples.

To learn how to get a girl to like you, you can also spark interest by letting her know that you want to sweep her off her feet and take her on a wild vacation get away. Tell her you want to be her knight and shining armor. Conversations like this still work.

People like to talk about themselves, so let the woman open up and tell you about herself. These flirting examples that you can do in person really work. Don’t be the guy that talks about himself too much. Just give a little bit of insight to get the conversation going.

When you successful start a conversation, there will be some elevated attraction level. Start off with quick ways to open up a different way to make small talk with another person. Flirting only last a short period and when you get to this level you want to use these set of rules in building some comfort level.

Learning How To Flirt With A Girl By Reading These Conversational Suggestions. These Secret Flirting Tips Will Get a Girl to Like You.

1. How to Keep a Conversation Going and Never Run Out of Things to Say

2. 9 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

3. 20 Things You Should Say To Make You More Likable

4. Common Communication Mistakes

5. How to be a Better Communicator

6. Hate Awkward Silences? 10 Essential Tips To Be a Great Conversationalist

7. 15 Social Skills That Will Make You Successful In Every Aspect Of Life

8. 20 Signs You’re A Charming Person Though You Are Not Aware

9. Conversational Topics

10. First Date Questions

11. 101 Conversational Starters

To Learn and Be Successful with Finding out How To Flirt With A Girl Means You Have to Create a Time Limit

When you start talking to someone, you want to institute some time limit on the chat you will be having. Talking to someone will initiate some comfort level with a girl because you will be only talking to her for a short period. You can start off by saying you can only stay here for a moment or that you have to get back to your group of friends. When you do this, it will be like you’re playing hard to get and women are attracted to what they can’t have.

Be Successful in Learning How to Flirt with A Girl by Travel to a Different Spot

When you meet someone, if she is with a group of people, ask her if she would like to go to a different spot like a table, bench or someplace quiet. You can try and move to a different location that is far away like a coffee shop or restaurant. The point of this is you want to get her alone with you.

Show the Girl That You Get Them. This is One of the Ways You Learn How to Get a Girl to Like You.

The first step in getting them is to tell how a woman is flirting with you. You find this out by showing the girl that you get them very quickly. Showing you get girls all about demonstrating that you get their psyche. You do this by asking some open ending question about things that interest them. Most people get this all wrong. The point in asking an open-ended question is to find some common ground. When you find something, you both have in common share the interest by using a reply that is close to what they are saying to you. For example, if they say they like going to the beach, you could say something like I do too because I enjoy getting a tan and exercising by swimming.

To Know How to Flirt with a Girl Means Learning How to Close the Conversation

Talking to a girl is where you want to close the conversation that you have been having with a girl. When you end the chat, you want it to be short so that you can keep some sort of mystery about you. This way the girl will think about you more after you are gone. An example of a good close would be to say something like this, “I apologize but I have to leave now. I enjoyed our little chat. What do you suggest we do to continue with it?

This action is a great line to use to get a phone number because you are leaving the ball in her court and you are the one that is making the first move. If she likes you, she will give you her phone number.

One of the Steps in Learning How to Flirt with a Girl is Find Out How to Get a Girl Interested in You

You are not going to go anywhere with flirting with a girl if you can’t create emotional attraction. If you are looking at this girl as a possible romantic connection the secret is to trigger her emotions with a camouflage of humor with a light-hearted tease. Don’t make the mistake of moving in too fast to intrigue her emotions because that might turn her off. Take it slow and allow her interest in you to grow.

Another Way To Learning How To Flirt With A Girl Mean Finding Out Ways To Create An Emotional Attraction

1. Don’t just focus on one girl to flirt with, flirt with more than one girl. Before you start talking to people, ask how things are to the bouncer, waiter or the first people you see. Mention that you have lots of girlfriends.

2. Show women you are a leader. Approach a group of women where men are and strike up a conversation with them. Show women you are a leader among them.

3. Show a woman you’re a man who protects women. Ways to do this is to pull out her chair, open the door for her, give her your jacket if she gets a chill, helping children cross the street, give the waiter a good tip, stand up for yourself and her. Practice doing good things for others every day.

4. You are genuinely a happy person. Let a woman know that you are happy with or without her. Keep a good smile on your face.

5. You take risks. You can demonstrate this by sharing your passions, goals, and dreams. Share with her successful risk-taking stories.

6. Make girls feel appreciated.

7. Create an intimate emotional connection.

8. Make her feel like a woman.

9. Women love a nice long hot passionate kiss.

Being Success in Learning How to Flirt with a Girl Means Learning How to Find Common Interests

Drum up a conversation and see what things you both have in common. You can talk about opinions, hobbies interests, etc. If you’re in a bar something you might have in common is the same drink. If you are listening to a song that is playing, ask to see if she likes the band or some other comment about it. If she is reading a book or a magazine, ask her what it is about. The best way to get her to open up is to ask her about something that she can respond to. This is the natural way to get a girl to open up to you.

When You Learn How To Flirt With A Girl You Need To Find Out How To Make The First Move

When you approach a woman, you have to be the one who makes the first move. When you make the first move, you want to have some goal in mind. For example, you’d like to get her phone number. Women tend to be shy and want a man to take the lead. When you get a phone number, you have confidence. Make sure you know how to lead a conversation.

Now you don’t need to suffer from shyness or clumsiness because now you know the ins and outs on how to get a girl to like you. Get out and practice at least 3 to 4 times a week. You don’t have to be that guy that stands in the corner of a dark room who just watches beautiful girls walk by you. Now you are armed with the nerve to drum up a conversation.

It takes an exceptional talent to learning different kinds of effect flirting secrets. If you don’t read everything in this article you will be in danger of being in the friend zone forever. Approach a girl with confidence and make them crave your attention without having to say what everyone else is saying.

So, what worked for you? Do you have any other suggestions that I may have left out? Do you have any questions? Please leave me a comment below.