Fun with Linux Commands: Adding Playfulness to Your Terminal

5 min readSep 12, 2023


Linux is known for its powerful command-line interface, but it’s not all business and productivity. There are several whimsical commands that add a touch of fun and humor to your terminal experience. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to two such commands and show you how to use them.

Cowsay: A Talking Cow in Your Terminal

Cowsay is a command that brings a smile to your face by making a talking cow (or other animals) deliver your messages in a speech bubble. It’s a great way to lighten the mood in your terminal.

How to Use Cowsay:

  1. Open your terminal.

2. To install Cowsay, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install cowsay  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install cowsay # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, you can use it to display a message. For example:

cowsay "Hello, Linux enthusiasts!"

You can also use pipes to make the cow say the output of another command. For instance:

fortune | cowsay

2. Pacman4Console: Nostalgia-Packed Gaming

Remember the classic game “Pacman” that used to gobble up dots and evade ghosts? Well, you can play a text-based version of it right in your terminal with Pacman4Console.

How to Use Pacman4Console:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Pacman4Console, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install pacman4console  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install pacman4console # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. After installation, launch the game by running:


4. Use the arrow keys to control Pacman and try to eat all the dots while avoiding the ghosts. It’s a nostalgic trip back to the arcade era right in your terminal!

3. Fortune: Get a Dose of Wisdom and Humor

Fortune is a command that serves up random, witty, or humorous quotes and messages. It’s perfect for starting your day with a smile or lightening the mood during a long coding session.

How to Use Fortune:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Fortune, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install fortune  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install fortune # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, simply type fortune in your terminal, and it will display a random message.

4. You can also use it in combination with other commands, like cowsay:

fortune | cowsay

4. Nyancat: A Colorful Terminal Companion

Nyancat brings the popular internet meme of the flying rainbow cat into your terminal. It’s a fun way to add color and playfulness to your command-line.

How to Use Nyancat:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Nyancat, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install nyancat  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install nyancat # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. After installation, simply run:


4. Watch the colorful cat with a trailing rainbow fly across your terminal. You can press Ctrl+C to stop it.

5. Oneko: Playful Cursor Chaser

Oneko is a command that adds a cute animated cat to your screen that follows your mouse cursor. It’s a charming and entertaining addition to your desktop.

How to Use Oneko:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Oneko, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install oneko  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install oneko # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, start the cat with your preferred cat breed by running:

oneko -t "CatType"

4. Replace “CatType” with your choice of cat type, such as “nyoro,” “tora,” or “dog” (yes, there’s even a dog option).

5. The cat will appear on your screen and follow your mouse cursor around.

6. Figlet: Create Artistic Text Banners

Figlet is a command that allows you to create large text banners with various font styles. It’s perfect for creating eye-catching headers or ASCII art.

How to Use Figlet:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Figlet, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install figlet  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install figlet # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, you can use it to create text banners. For example:

figlet "Hello, Linux!"

4. You can choose from a variety of font styles by specifying the -f flag followed by the font name:

figlet -f banner "Linux Rocks!"

7. Toilet: More Text Art with Style

Toilet is similar to Figlet but offers even more font styles and formatting options for creating text art banners.

How to Use Toilet:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Toilet, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install toilet  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install toilet # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. After installation, create text banners using Toilet. For example:

toilet "Linux Fun"

4. Explore various font styles and formatting options to customize your text art.

8. Asciiquarium: An Aquarium in ASCII Art

Asciiquarium transforms your terminal into an ASCII art aquarium with fish swimming around. It’s a soothing and playful addition to your terminal.

How to Use Asciiquarium:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Asciiquarium, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install asciiquarium  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install asciiquarium # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, run the command:


4. Enjoy watching the fish swim and interact in your terminal.

9. Slurm: System Load and Network Usage in a Container

Slurm is a command that displays system load and network usage as if they were liquids in a container. It’s a playful way to monitor your system’s performance.

How to Use Slurm:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. To install Slurm, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install slurm  # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu)
# OR
sudo yum install slurm # For Red Hat-based systems (Fedora)

3. Once installed, run the command:


4. Observe how the “liquid” in the container changes based on your system’s load and network activity.

