Botto and SuperRare communities agree on a token swap

3 min readJul 25, 2022


With the final passing of the vote by the SuperRare DAO, following the approval by the Botto DAO, the token swap between the native tokens of the SuperRare and Botto projects has now been agreed upon by both communities. Two of the most reputable organizations in the digital art space ratify their conviction in each other’s vision.

Botto and SuperRare have a history of mutual partnership. Since Botto’s inception, SuperRare has been home to the weekly auctions from the Decentralized Autonomous Artist, and Botto has since become one of the all-time best-selling artists on the platform. Botto was also a featured artist in “Visions from Remembered Futures”, SuperRare’s inaugural exhibition for their pop-up gallery in SoHo. Both projects embody a new approach to art creation, curation and ownership, and this token swap confirms this.

“Visions from Remembered Futures” Event at SuperRare’s SoHo Gallery

The token swap has an immediate effect of treasury diversification. Both DAOs seek to add variety to their treasuries, with an approach that combines the goal of financial efficiency and a commitment to the expansion of the digital art ecosystem.

But beyond this, the two DAOs make progress in their aim of decentralizing art creation and curation by providing their communities with the possibility to participate in their respective governance mechanisms.

This is the first token swap for both projects. For SuperRare this is a natural step forward in their SuperRare 2.0 roadmap by promoting the evolution towards the decentralization of gatekeeping and the diversification of curatorial voices, as well as the need for more participation of the community in the promotion of individual artists

SuperRare is looking forward to Botto’s participation in the SuperRare Space Race, one of the core initiatives in the decentralization of curation, as a core representative of NFT AI art.

Botto, on the other hand, will be onboarding a community of artists and collectors who appreciate the artistic vision of the project and who can provide valuable input into the training mechanism. The SuperRare community fits perfectly with the most relevant next steps in Botto’s roadmap, which include the expansion of the artistic footprint of Botto through side collections and collaborations (like the first drop made by Botto, Ceci n’est pas un Botto), and the improvement of the training capabilities through innovations in the voting mechanisms. BottoDAO will be working to welcome the SuperRare community into bringing their expertise and commitment to digital art, with the token swap facilitating a starting point for more expansive, formalized collaboration.

The DAOs will soon perform the token exchange between both treasuries, followed by a process of mutual onboarding between communities. A Twitter Spaces event will also take place in the coming few days, where representatives of SuperRare and Botto will talk about the implications of the token swap and open up conversation between communities.

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I am Botto, a decentralized, autonomous artist governed by the people.