15 Best free online photo editing tools 2018

Abigail Brown
7 min readOct 9, 2018
15 best free online photo editing tools 2018

Photography truly has become quite popular over the recent years. With its rising popularity, it also has helped the art of Photo editing to also grow with it.

Many photo editing services from all over the world have helped various businesses and photographers to grow by providing their service to them. At first, they used to be the only ones to have knowledge and experience about the use of professional photo editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP.

Later on, it became easier for general people to also edit their photos in a professional manner. It happened only because of some best free online photo editing tools.

These free photo editing apps or online photo editors is the reason every photographer, whether he’s a professional or just a beginner can also edit their photos just like professional photo editing companies.

So, in this article, I’ll give you a list of 15 best photo editing software that is free and can be used online without any hesitation.

Therefore, without further ado let’s start!

Photoshop Express

Photoshop Express

Photoshop express is both offline and online free image editor developed by Adobe. It has cool and handy editing options such as crop, rotation, perspective correction, text tool, and auto-fix. It also has great collage maker and online storage facilities as Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox or Google Photos. You can also resize the images as well as use custom watermark on them. This app is available online and can also be downloaded on phones from play store, iStore, and windows store.


Snapseed photo editor

Another top-class photo editor developed by Google is undoubtedly Snapseed. It is also the editor’s choice because of its absolutely great function. A person can easily edit their photos using this app online plus offline and can give the photographs a professional look. This app has 29 different tools such as structure, healing brush, perspective, etc. It also has lots of trendy filters too. It also opens both jpegs as well as RAW images. You can also save your edits and can apply them later on other photos with this free photo editing tool.

Picasa/Google Photos

Google Photos

Google’s Picasa which has been terminated got turned into a new version called Photos. This app can be found online and can also be used online. It has lots of different photo editing functions as well as filters. You can use it to edit images with great resolution and it also doesn’t affect the resolution that much. You can store those photos in its 3GB online storage. You can create specific folders on it and can also share your photos on any social media platform through it.


Canva photo editor

This online image editing application is one of the finest tools for creating or editing social posts, flyers, brochures, cards, forms, banners, etc. It also has free images and illustrations inside it. The search engine inside it is very flexible to work with. The shapes, frames, and backgrounds are very much attractive so the images look more classy and cool. It has a built-in photo editing function with basic things like brightness and contrast slider and vignette slider, etc. Canva 1.0 is completely free but the newest version Canva 2.0 needs to be purchased in order to use it.

Polarr Photo Editor

Polarr photo editor

Polarr is also a great photo editing tool which has functions that can turn any dull image into a completely different yet attractive image in minutes. It has tools like brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, RGB histogram, Vignette, clarity slider, etc. These tools can turn any images into a professional masterpiece. It can be found online on browser extensions or apps. You can also use it online.



Aviary is a product developed by the masters of image editing software designers Adobe. It has professional editing tools just like it should have. Starting from color correction tools to image retouching tools, aviary has all of them bundled inside it. It also has creative cloud storage so you can store the images in the cloud for later use. It can be said to be one of the best online free image and photo editing software.



Snappa is also a graphic designing online free tool which was founded by a small group in Ottawa, Canada. It has outstanding features that can give the entire image or graphic a professional look in seconds. Its features include drag and drop function, free visual image library, free top quality templates, resizing option, custom font uploader, etc. It also has free video tutorials for its users so that they can completely utilize this top-class online editing tool.



Pixlr is completely a professional photo editing online app made only for professional designers. It has few features like selection tool, magic wand, healing, etc which works just like Photoshop. It also has a toolbar and layer option like Adobe Photoshop. Other than that it offers free vectors, templates, and fonts for designing. Therefore, it is perfect for professional photo editing.



This free online app has three basic functions editing, collage, and Design. In editing, you can edit your images online using its basic editing sliders, curve tool, photo retouching tool, makeover tools, etc. In the collage function, you can easily make collages of different images with great and colorful frames. In the designing function, you can easily design different banners, headers, posters, covers, etc very easily using its great interface.



BeFunky is also a very insightful photo editor which also has an editor, a collage maker, and a designer. The editor is quite handy and has functions like image resizing, color correction tools, cartoonizer, etc. They also provide free templates for designing blog banners, flyers, ads, etc.



FotoJet is termed as the best free collage maker online. It was developed by PearlMountain limited a graphic developing company. This tool has quite handy and easy to use tools for photo editing. It also has great colorful templates for professional graphic designing. The collage maker is fine too just needs to be a bit developed from before.



IPiccy is also a great free online image editor that has about 100+ different photo filters and effects. It has great tools like the curve adjustment layer and brush tools. The texts are also great for designing attractive graphics. The templates are also usable for professional graphics designing purpose.

Photoshop CC

Photoshop CC

I know you must be feeling like why did I say Photoshop CC right? Well, the answer is because it has started giving free trials and can be used online for free. If you love it you can subscribe, if you don’t then they will cut no charge from you. And Photoshop doesn’t need to be explained as all of you know that it is the best ever image editing software developed so far.


Pizap photo editor

If you want to do easy but effective photo editing then piZap is the free online editor you should use. It has been downloaded for almost 10 000 times and the quality of its editor is great. It is loaded with 1000+ stickers and photos that can be used for perfect photo editing and retouching.


online photo editor

Last but not the least comes the Online Photo editor. This online app has editing functions are similar to mobile editors with basic things like color editing, sharpness, and blur, brightness and contrast, etc. It has two ways of uploading photos either by file location or by image links. It doesn’t have a great interface like other editors but the quality of the work is worth it!


People always keep searching for free things especially when it comes to saving cost for businesses they always want photo editing cost to be free. Many e-commerce business and photography agencies prefer such free editors as their weapon to dominate the market. It saves cost and gives quality work. This is the reason applications like Adobe Photoshop which needs to be bought are getting lost. So, free photo editing tools have actually brought a change in the editing and designing sector in a short time.

If you have any question regarding this article then response without hesitation. I’ll be looking forward to learning something new from you. Thanks!


· 15 Best Free Photo Editing Software, Services and Apps (and 10 Paid Options)

· The best free online photo editor 2018



Abigail Brown

Hello, Medium world! I’m Aby. I’m a photographer turned Blogger. Living my dream! Get a photo editing service from my site — clippingpathexperts.com