Chuck Warren
1 min readDec 16, 2018


Outstanding. Thank you so much for sharing, and also for putting out there for all the read the same sentiment about Medium that I share with you.

No matter what platform were discussing, it’s not always about the money. When I started chasing my dream of being a published writer I swore I would write everything day to continually grow as a writer. Posting that content in front of a live audience makes me want to create something worthwhile and not just a word count.

I agreed with the rest of your post as well. Feedback, information, corrections and constructive criticism all help me become a stronger writer. But the same stuff that comes in can also go out. By writing on Medium I have an outlet that lets me pass the lessons I’ve learned back to people I’ve been to class and conferences with, helping them to grasp something I learned first.

I personally find great value on the pages of Medium as a reader and as a writer and don’t expect the return to be strictly financial.

Where else can a guy from Michigan share in the wisdom of a woman from Macedonia and feel richer for it?

Thanks for your outstanding post!



Chuck Warren

Content/copy/creative writer. Spent the last three years learning how to get paid for my passion. Want to share the lessons I've learned.