Envilope — the Digital Evolution of the Envelope

3 min readMay 25, 2018


The company offers a blockchain-based system providing complete privacy and control over email, digital content, messages, documents, and attachments.

They say privacy is a thing of the past. Envilope, a Gibraltar-based blockchain company, believes privacy is the future. With companies, agencies, and institutions frequently in the news for data breaches and information leaks affecting millions of users, privacy and control over messages now seem as antiquated as sealing wax and parchment paper.

Envilope, however, is redefining digital privacy with the world’s very first blockchain-based postal service.

“For thousands of years, if it was private it went in an envelope,” says Mark Allardyce, Founder and Group Chairman of Envilope. “Then came fax, email, text, and social media. When we need privacy the most, where did the envelope go? We want to bring back a novel idea, the return of privacy and control.”

Envilope is a blockchain-based virtual envelope that allows senders to instantly lock and send emails, digital files, or secure messages containing documents, text, images, audio, video — and virtually any other file type. Upon each delivery, receipt, opening, viewing, and control of the content within a Virtual Envilope, an unalterable evidence trail is recorded onto the Ethereum blockchain. This process, known as Blockstamping, creates Blockchain Recorded Deliveries.

Only the intended recipient can open an Envilope, and only after accepting the sender’s terms and conditions. If the sender ever suspects a breach, files can be instantly vaporized on command.

Consider a typical business day. Hundreds of emails are sent, some of which contain highly confidential information. When sensitive content is forwarded to the wrong person, it shatters confidentiality, exposes trade secrets, and jeopardizes transactions, relationships, and careers.

With Envilope, messages or files mistakenly sent to the wrong person can be vaporized instantly. Privacy, security, and control over email and its contents rest solely with the sender. Know who, when and where your digital content is at all times.

“Legal, financial, insurance, telecom, healthcare, government agencies and others are already interested in Envilope,” says Mr. Allardyce. “We estimate a 100+ million potential audience among consumers for Envilope, and a large, growing market in the B2B sector as well.”

While the company can be compared to players in four sectors — secure messaging, secure email, digital signature, and data rooms — for Envilope comparable doesn’t equal competition. Envilope has consolidated the solutions offered by each of these sectors into a singular, integrated cloud service. Coupled with the company’s status as a UK government-approved Crown Service Supplier offering military-grade encryption in transit and at rest, continually tracking, controlling, and securing every user’s content, Envilope is uniquely positioned to capitalize on a market eager to restore control and privacy to their communications.

About Envilope

Envilope is a blockchain-based virtual envelope in which you can securely lock emails, digital files, or messages containing text, images, audio, video — anything that can be sent online. Envilope gives senders unprecedented privacy and control over their content, including who views it, when, and where. Only the intended recipient can open an Envilope, and only after accepting the sender’s terms and conditions. If you ever suspect a breach, you can entirely vaporize your content at will, regardless of how many times it has been shared or forwarded.

Visit: www.envilope.com

This post can also be viewed at https://blog.envilope.com/




Envilope offers a blockchain-based system providing complete privacy and control over email, digital content, messages, documents, and attachments.