“Build. Measure. Learn?” Bullshit.

C Todd Lombardo
1 min readOct 13, 2016


Are you a fan of the lean startup cycle of “build-measure-learn,” because it’s killing your product.

This is what you wish happens:

Thanks, Eric Ries!

This is what’s actually happening:

Thanks, Wolf Brüning!

You’re not learning, you’re not measuring, and you’re likely just building more features based on historical data that will only give way to incrementalism.

Think about what you want to learn, what you need to learn, and how to consider that all in light of your product’s roadmap before you build anything.

Do you have a product roadmap? If so, ping me on Twitter. I’m working on a book about it with a couple of colleagues!



C Todd Lombardo

Data nerd. Design geek. Product fanatic. Lover of chocolate chip cookies. And bicycles.