What Story Are You Living?

Dan Galvan
5 min readDec 2, 2022


I believe we are all living out the story we tell ourselves.

In every moment, in every second of every moment, we are choosing a pathway of existence.

Contrary to previous beliefs of mine, I now believe that we can shift our entire life story all at once.

The story will be acted out piece by piece, but the alteration of the story first takes place in our mind.

Our life story is who we believe we are capable of becoming.

The moment you shift your vision from one end point to another you alter your entire life's trajectory.

Let’s practice. Choose right now between “fried food” and “fresh food”.

In your story, you believe you’re the type of person that eats whichever food you chose.

Those of you who chose “fresh food” are likely in decent health or are on your way there, while the person who chose “fried food” is either unhealthy or on their way there.

Two vastly different end points with a single decision at one point in time.

From what I can tell, if we focus our attention on our ideal dream outcome for life and interact with the world as if we’re the character living and acting out the script for the vision or the story of our dreams, over time it will actualize, becoming reality and truth.

If you’re fat right now and your ideal vision of yourself is being skinny, you might go running every day because you know that’s what skinny people do.

If you suck at guitar and your dream is to be a lead guitarist in a band, you might spend a lot of time practicing scales because that’s what a lead guitarist does.

If you are an alcoholic, and you want to be sober, when offered a drink you might say “No thank you, I’m sober” because that’s what sober people do.

If you act the way a sober person would act, you’ll become sober.

There comes a point in these examples where it seems so simple that it borders on coming across as offensive.

I can hear people remarking under their breath right now…

“Easy for you to say Dan, you’re not fat or an alcoholic”

While I understand that may be true and you may be correct in feeling those feelings of offense, but my question to you is…

Where are those feelings of offense stemming from?

Are you offended that it’s your fault you’re choosing your path?

I never said it was easy to choose.

What I said was “it seems to be true” that you become your decisions.

In fact, I’m not even saying it’s true at all… but it sure as shit seems to be.

Try this and see where it gets you.

Take a moment and write down in detail, the vision of your ideal life.

Here is an example:

I live in a 2 story $800k+ house within 15 minutes of a metropolitan city in Texas, Colorado, or New York. I met my wife when she was 27–33, she’s blonde or brunette with accentuated anterior features. She’s an avid learner who enjoys exercising, cooking, philosphy, reading, writing, music, and helping others live their best lives. We collectively generate between $500k–$3M annually. We had 2–3 children before we turned 40. I drive a BMW, Tundra, Tesla, or whatever large crossover vehicle ended up catching my attention. She probably drives a Range Rover, Mercedes GLK, Jeep, or a small SUV of some sort.

This is enough of a story for an example to realize that if the necessary actions take place in the correct direction, it can be a life anyone can live.

You must act how the person living that life would act in order to make it a reality.

Now that you have yours all written down, it’s a lot easier to determine which parts of it resonate with you the most and what parts could use some alteration.

Perhaps you realize you’re unwilling to act in the ways a person living the life you thought you wanted would act.

Maybe you realize somewhere along the way that you don’t want to perform the actions required to make $300k+ per year and you realize that $50k is actually an amount you’re perfectly ok with.

That is totally fine. Live the life you want to live, but remember, it’s you who made the decision. Do not complain or envy others who decided they wanted something different than you. Congratulate them for their success and they should offer the same congratulations to you. You are both living the vision you created for yourselves.

In my opinion, if you truly want something, you will find a way to get it.

Kobe Bryant chose greatness almost every day of his life.

Michael Jordan chose greatness almost every day of his life.

Everyone who is great, respected, well-known, chose that pathway.

They chose their actions based on their internal vision for their life and they actualized that version of themselves by having the courage and belief in themselves to act in the ways of doing so.

The first step in changing directions is to believe you both can and should.

It’s not against the rules to start over.

Don’t be afraid of starting over.

If you’ve received a failing grade on a test and the teacher comes by your desk and says “I’ll give you the opportunity to retake the test tomorrow for a new grade.” wouldn’t you want the opportunity to try and score higher?

That is what every decision we make in life is.

But in this case, we are both the teacher and the student.

We are the decision maker. We create the test. We create the vision of perfection. We create value for specific aspects of our own existence. We create circumstances. We create systems and processes. We create opportunities. We create roadblocks. We create everything that we experience.

We are the Creators of our own realities.

Dare to dream. Dare to act. Dare to believe.

Simply, be undeniable.

You haven’t failed, until you’ve quit.

You haven’t achieved, unless you’ve tried.

…and you haven’t tried, unless you’ve chosen.

🏆 🏁 Written by: Dan Galvan | Dec 2, 2022 | 10am-10:52am

A message from the author:

I write for my own pleasure, but truly hope to build up others by engaging their minds while inspiring positive and meaningful direction in their lives.

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Image of the writer, Dan Galvan from dangalvan.com

If I knew how to make this image much smaller, trust me, I would.

