AI Unleashed: Connection to Indian Mythology

Dheeraj Surakasula
3 min readJan 27, 2024


Today, AI is everywhere, but it’s not like the scary machines in movies. It’s more like a person using a laptop. Still, we shouldn’t underestimate it. Someone with AI skills can be just as powerful as those movie robots. So, everyone needs to understand the limits and be careful when dealing with AI. This article focuses on the possible risks in the world of AI.

Expectations of Human-AI Interaction Vs Reality

AI serves as a handy tool for simplifying our lives. AI can transform a simple prompt into a creative image or video. Notably, AI has even cloned voices, like when it mimicked Modiji’s voice to sing trending songs. Tools such as ChatGPT and Google Bard are widely used by students and professionals to generate answers for their study and project-related queries. Reflecting on the past, it’s hard to imagine how students managed before these AI tools became an integral part of their academic journey.

While AI is often seen as friendly and helpful, it’s crucial to acknowledge its potential dangers. Contrary to the belief that AI itself is inherently dangerous, it’s the individuals behind the computer screens who can misuse it for nefarious purposes. In recent times, we’ve witnessed a surge in frauds involving the mimicry of relatives’ voices to solicit money and the manipulation of social media images for blackmail. Additionally, the deployment of AI-powered weapons raises serious concerns, as these technologies lack ethical balance and can lead to unintended and potentially devastating consequences. The reality of AI is not as colorful as we might have initially thought.

Picture AI as a superhero, somewhat like Lord Krishna, mastering many abilities. Just like Krishna, who is wise, good, and a master of all arts, AI can also do a bit of everything. However, unlike Krishna, AI lacks a clear sense of right and wrong and doesn’t possess morals. Krishna, with his ethical values, became a god by fighting against evil, but AI operates without such ethical considerations.

In Indian mythology, there’s a warrior named Kalki who is predicted to emerge in the future, at the end of the world, to defeat Kali (demon) and reset Earth’s cycle for the re-establishment of Dharma. Drawing a parallel with AI, there’s a growing concern that as it evolves, it may embody the characteristics of Kali, posing formidable challenges. In the Kaliyuga (the Age of Darkness), as per Lord Krishna, the world loses all its righteousness; people are corrupt and perform evil daily. Diseases and afflictions plague every human. Thinking of AI as the start of Kaliyug, an era filled with conflicts and deceit, can be quite unnerving.

Thinking of AI as the start of Kali Yuga might be scary, but it’s essential to remember these are myths. When used correctly, AI can bring significant benefits to our lives. As we enjoy AI’s cool tricks, it’s time for everyone — tech folks, rule makers, and all of us — to team up. We need clear rules, ethical guidelines, and a plan for the unexpected. Think of it like a quest to use AI’s magic wisely. This way, we can explore all the cool things AI offers while keeping the not-so-cool stuff in check. It’s a journey full of possibilities, and how we handle it will decide the future we want with AI. Get ready for an exciting ride into the unknown, where humanity holds the map to a fantastic AI future!

