Playwright Java API Testing | How to test POST requests?
Playwright as everyone knows is a test automation framework developed by Microsoft. It is available across multiple programming languages like Java, NodeJS, Python, and .Net. It supports Web as well as API Test Automation.
With 67.2k Stars and 3.7k fork over GitHub, it has gained a lot of popularity. It has rich features that allow testing web applications using major browsers as well as performing API Testing.
In this tutorial blog, we will learn how to set up Playwright with Java and test POST API requests in API Automation testing.
Getting Started
Before we begin writing the test scripts to perform API Automation testing using Playwright Java, let’s first discuss the prerequisites, project creation and setup.
The following are the prerequisites and need to be installed on the machine to start with smooth setup and installation.
- Java JDK 17
- IntelliJ IDE or any other IDE to create project and write automated tests
- Maven
Creating a new Project
We will be creating a Maven project using IntelliJ IDE. The following steps will help in creating a new Maven project
- Open IntelliJ, Navigate to File >> New >> Project
2. In the New Project window enter the following details:
- Name of the Project
- Location/path where the project needs to be saved
- Select JDK version — I am using JDK 17
- Archetype — Search for “quickstart” and select maven-archetype-quickstart from the result
- Click on Create button to create the project
With this, the Maven project has been successfully created in IntelliJ IDE.
If you are new to IntelliJ, checkout the following video that demonstrates how to create a new Maven project
Updating the Dependencies
After the project is created successfully, we need to add the dependencies and plugins for the following in the pom.xml:
- Playwright — Java
- TestNG
- Lombok — for using builder pattern and generate POJO on runtime
- Gson — for Serialization
- Datafaker — for generating test data on run time
- Maven Surefire plugin
- Maven Compiler plugin
FileName: pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<argLine>-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xdebug -Xnoagent</argLine>
Updating the dependency versions in the Properties block is a best practice and helps in checking and updating the maven versions in the project easily.
With the Maven project creation and updating the dependencies in the pom.xml, the project is configured successfully to begin API automation testing using Playwright Java.
Application Under Test
We will be using the free to use restful-ecommerce APIs. It provides a list of E-Commerce related Order Management APIs to create, fetch, update and delete orders. It also has an API that provides a JWT token that can be used as a security measure for updating and deleting order records.
This project can be installed on the local machine using NodeJS or using Docker.
For more details check here
What is a POST request?
Before we delve into the world of API Automation Testing, let’s quickly refresh some knowledge around the POST HTTP method.
The POST request is used to send data to the server to create a new record in the system. The POST request ideally needs some data to be supplied along with the request. The body of this data is based on the Content-Type
header. Most widely, for rest apis, JSON is used to supply data in the post request.
However, depending on the Content-Type
XML and other types can also be used to pass on the data in the POST request. POST requests generally returns Status Code — 201 in the response.
In the following example of restful-ecommerce APIs, the POST request/addOrder
sends the data to the server for creating new order(s).
Once the POST request is successful, the required data is created in the system. In the response, Status code 201 is returned along with the message and the details of order created in the system.
How to test POST APIs using Playwright Java?
Writing the test scripts for testing POST requests using Playwright Java is simple and easy. We need to be familiar with some of the interfaces and classes that Playwright offers that could be used for performing API automation testing.
We will be using the restful-ecommerce APIs to write the API tests considering the happy and the sad scenarios. The test scripts will be covered scenario wise one by one walking through the code and then the test execution details making sure that everything is understood smoothly.
Test Scenario 1 — Adding the Orders
- Start the restful-ecommerce service
- Generate the test data on runtime using Lombok and DataFaker
- Generate 4 different orders in the system using POST
API request supplying the required data set in JSON format - Assert that the Status Code 201 is received in response
- Verify that the order data is correctly generated as supplied in the POST payload
Test Implementation
In order to implement the test scenario, we will be creating a new package in the src/test/
folder and name it “restfulecommerce”. Going ahead, we will be using this package to create test classes and manage test data.
The first step towards implementation is to write the BaseTest class that will handle the setup and configuration for Playwright. This BaseTest class will be reused further in the test classes to avoid code duplication and make the maintenance of the test scripts easy.
Writing the BaseTest
Let’s create a new java class named BaseTest inside the “restfulecommerce” package. The Playwright and APIRequestContext interfaces will be declared at class level as we need to call these interfaces in multiple methods, i.e. setup() and tearDown() methods in the same class.
public class BaseTest {
protected Playwright playwright;
protected APIRequestContext request;
private static final String BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3004";
The BASE_URL variable will be declared as static final globally as it will remain constant throughout the test execution lifecycle. The restful-ecommerce application will be run locally, hence we have the BASE_URL pointing to “localhost” and the tests will be executed on the respective APIs.
Two new methods — createPlaywright() and createAPIRequestContext() are created with private access modifier as these methods will be used in this BaseTest class only.
private void createPlaywright() {
playwright = Playwright.create();
private void createAPIRequestContext() {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
request = playwright.request().newContext(new APIRequest.NewContextOptions()
The createPlaywright() method will create a new instance of Playwright. The createAPIRequestContext() method will set the API request configurations such as setting the common request headers and base url. It will also create a new instance of APIRequestContext that will be used in the tests.
A new method setup() is created that has @BeforeTest annotation of TestNG and will run before any of the test runs. It will call the createPlaywright() and createAPIRequestContext() methods that will eventually set the stage to run the API tests.
public void setup() {
Another two methods created are, closePlaywright() that will close the Playwright session and disposeAPIRequestContext() that will discard all the responses returned by the APIRequestContext.get() and other similar methods that are stored in the memory.
These methods have private access modifiers as they are scoped for this BaseTest class only.
private void closePlaywright() {
if (playwright != null) {
playwright = null;
private void disposeAPIRequestContext() {
if (request != null) {
request = null;
These two methods will be called in the tearDown() method that has the @AfterClass annotation of TestNG over it. This method calls the closePlaywright() and disposeAPIRequestContext() methods and will be executed after the test is executed allowing graceful closing of the Playwright session.
Writing the Test
Let’s create a new java class — HappyPathTests inside the existing “restfulecommerce” package. This HappyPathTests class will extend the BaseTest class as it will allow us to reuse the public methods and variables defined in BaseTest class.
public class HappyPathTests extends BaseTest{
private List<OrderData> orderList;
public void testSetup() {
this.orderList = new ArrayList<>();
The testSetup() method will instantiate the List<OrderData> to create an array of the order data(The POST request needs body to be supplied in JSON Array format), it is kept at class level as we will be using it in different test methods of the same class to verify the orders.
We will now create a new test method testShouldCreateNewOrders() for testing the POST request for creating new orders.
public void testShouldCreateNewOrders() {
final int totalOrders = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < totalOrders; i++) {
final APIResponse response ="/addOrder", RequestOptions.create()
final JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject(response.text());
final JSONArray ordersArray = responseObject.getJSONArray("orders");
assertEquals(response.status(), 201);
assertEquals(responseObject.get("message"), "Orders added successfully!");
assertEquals(this.orderList.get(0).getUserId(), ordersArray.getJSONObject(0).get("user_id"));
assertEquals(this.orderList.get(0).getProductId(), ordersArray.getJSONObject(0).get("product_id"));
assertEquals(this.orderList.get(0).getTotalAmt(), ordersArray.getJSONObject(0).get("total_amt"));
We will be adding a total of 4 orders in the orderlist. These orders will be supplied as a body to the /addOrder
POST request method.
The following is the request body that needs to be supplied in the request for generating orders
"user_id": "1",
"product_id": "1",
"product_name": "iPhone",
"product_amount": 500.00,
"qty": 1,
"tax_amt": 5.99,
"total_amt": 505.99
"user_id": "1",
"product_id": "2",
"product_name": "iPad",
"product_amount": 699.00,
"qty": 1,
"tax_amt": 7.99,
"total_amt": 706.99
To generate the data for the order, we need to create a POJO class with the exact names of the fields as required for the order Object. The OrderData class will help us in creating the POJO.
public class OrderData {
private String userId;
private String productId;
private String productName;
private int productAmount;
private int qty;
private int taxAmt;
private int totalAmt;
As the JSON field names have a “_” in between them, the @SerializedName annotation from Gson library is used, it will attach the variable name created in the POJO with the serialized name.
Notice that we are not creating any Getter and Setter methods in this class since we are using Lombok dependency. It will auto create the required Getter methods as we have used the @Getter annotation from Lombok. Similarly, @Builder annotation is also used which will allow using the class as a builder design pattern removing the need to add the parameters to the constructors of the class.
The order data will be generated using the getNewOrder() static method. This getNewOrder() method comes from the OrderDataBuilder class that is available in the restfulecommerce/testdata
public class OrderDataBuilder {
private static final Faker FAKER = new Faker();
public static OrderData getNewOrder() {
int userId = FAKER.number().numberBetween(2, 4);
int productId = FAKER.number().numberBetween(331,333);
int productAmount = FAKER.number().numberBetween(400, 903);
int quantity = FAKER.number().numberBetween(1, 5);
int taxAmount = FAKER.number().numberBetween(10,50);
int totalAmount = (productAmount*quantity)+taxAmount;
return OrderData.builder()
The test data required for the orders will be generated on runtime using the Datafaker library for which the dependency is already added in the pom.xml file.
The process is pretty simple, create an object of the Faker class provided by DataFaker and use it to call the required data method and generate the data on run time.
We will be adding 4 orders in the POST request, hence we need to call the getNewOrder() method 4 times in the test. For doing so, we will be using a For Loop in the test method.
Next, to execute the POST request will be executed using the following lines of code
The response
is a variable defined for the type APIResponse
that will store the result of the API request. The"/addOrder", ..)
will send a POST
request to the endpoint "/addOrder"
. This endpoint will be handling the addition of order.
will create an object that will hold the different options for the request such as request headers, body, etc. The .setData(this.orderList)
contains the list of orders stored in the orderList
variable, total of 4 orders added as per the loop we provided. This data is sent as a body to the POST API request call.
The next part is to perform the assertions to verify that the POST request sent has successfully created the orders in the system. It is also necessary to check the data integrity of the orders that were created using the Datafaker library.
The first assertion is to check that the correct status code,i.e 201, is received in the response.
In the next assertion, we are checking that the “message” field in the response object has the text “Orders added successfully!!”. An important assertion is to also check that the order id is generated successfully for each order. As we are unsure about the id,i.e. order number generated, we would be checking that the id is not a null value.
We need to parse the response and get the JSON arrays and JSON object so as to get the fields for asserting it with the respective values.
The JSONObject class from the org.json
library is used for parsing the response text and similarly the JSONArray class from the same library is used for parsing the JSON Arrays from the response. These objects are further used for fetching the required data from the response to perform assertions.
Finally, checks are performed to check for the data integrity that the order details like user_id, product_id, total_amt, etc are filled in correctly and appear as they are sent in the request.
Test Execution
Before we execute the tests, we need to make sure that the restful-ecommerce app is up and working. Checkout the steps here to start the app.
The following screenshot from IntelliJ IDE shows that the test execution was successful and orders were created as desired using the POST request.
Test Scenario 2 — Incorrect Request Payload
- Start the restful-ecommerce service
- Hit the POST request with incorrect request payload when
field is missing the order body - Assert that status code 400 is received in the response
- Verify that the message “Each order must have user_id, product_id, product_name, product_amount, qty, tax_amt, and total_amt!” is received in the response and no order is created in the system
Test Implementation
Let’s create a new java class SadPathTests in the existing package “restfulecommerce”. This class will implement all the test scenarios related to the sad paths of the restful-ecommerce APIs.
Sad Paths ideally refers to the test scenarios where it is expected that it will throw some kind of error message to provide a good user experience to the end user.
For example, the test scenario we just discussed will send status code 400 in response when incorrect payload is sent in the request. This enables the end user to understand that he made a mistake while sending the POST request and allows to correct his mistake accordingly.
A new test method testShouldNotCreateOrder_WhenProductIdFieldIsMissing() is created in the SadPathTests test class.
public void testShouldNotCreateOrder_WhenProductIdFieldIsMissing() {
List<OrderData> orderList = new ArrayList<>();
final APIResponse response ="/addOrder",
final JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject(response.text());
assertEquals(response.status(), 400);
assertEquals(responseObject.get("message"), "Each order must have user_id, product_id, product_name, product_amount, qty, tax_amt, and total_amt!");
The implementation of the test scenario is pretty simple, it will create a new ArrayList of orders to ensure that we supply the request body in Array format.
A new method “getOrderDataWithMissingProductId()” is created in the OrderDataBuilder class to handle the request body that we need to send in the POST request.
public static OrderData getOrderDataWithMissingProductId() {
int userId = FAKER.number().numberBetween(2, 4);
int productAmount = FAKER.number().numberBetween(400, 903);
int quantity = FAKER.number().numberBetween(1, 5);
int taxAmount = FAKER.number().numberBetween(10,50);
int totalAmount = (productAmount*quantity)+taxAmount;
return OrderData.builder()
It should be noted that we have not supplied the product_id
field in the above method.
The POST request is executed by adding the order with the missing product_id
and finally the assertions are performed to check that status code 400 along with the message “Each order must have user_id, product_id, product_name, product_amount, qty, tax_amt, and total_amt!” is received in the response.
Test Execution
The following screenshot of the test execution performed using the IntelliJ IDE shows that the test was executed successfully.
Checkout the next tutorial blog where we will be learning to write automation tests for GET requests.
Playwright is a popular test automation framework that allows performing Web and API automation at your fingertips. API testing is being performed majorly by many of the software teams to check the functionality of the application and test the end to end journeys as it provides quick feedback in minimal time. In this article, we learned how to perform API testing for POST requests using Playwright with Java.
POST requests create a new resource in the system and ideally returns status code 201 in the response. The important part in POST request is the request body that needs to be supplied in the required format as per the Content-Type
header. The JSON format was used in the request body as it was required by the restful-ecommerce application.
I hope you got a basic understanding about writing the POST request API tests. I would recommend trying this at your end and let me know in the comments if you face any difficulty.
Happy Testing!!