The Key Differences Between Offshoring, Outsourcing, and Staff Leasing

4 min readMay 26, 2022


Offshoring is the process of relocating a business operation to another country. Typically, this involves moving manufacturing or service-related activities to a location where labor and other costs are lower. The term “offshoring” is often used interchangeably with “outsourcing.” However, there is a key distinction between the two: with offshoring, the company relocates its operations to another country, while with outsourcing, it simply contracts with a third-party provider in another country. Clark offshoring for instance is one great example of offshoring in a Southeast Asian Country.

While offshoring can be a controversial topic, it can also offer many advantages for businesses, including lower costs, increased efficiency, and access to new markets. When done correctly, offshoring can be a win-win for both businesses and workers in the global economy.

Offshoring Philippines can also be referred to as the moving of activity and taking it to another offshore location given that activity must still be completely managed within the core company so that it could control the outcome. A great example of this would be hiring a dedicated employee to work for you who will be performing the task your way.

When it comes to Clark offshoring, this would include the Clarks working for you in an office outside of your home country. Clark Offshoring provides a number of advantages over other outsourcing models, such as:

-You Are In Control: When you outsource with Clark, you’re still in control of your projects. We don’t take on projects that we can’t complete to your specifications.

-We’re Cost-Effective: Because we’re based in the Philippines, our operating costs are lower than they would be if we were based in the United States or Western Europe. This allows us to pass those savings on to you in the form of lower rates.

Outsourcing can also be referred to as the moving of activity or role to another business and having it managed completely by the hiring company.

There would be no involvement from the company that you outsourced to, and they would not have any control over the outcome.

A great example of this would be if you were to hire a virtual assistant from another country. The virtual assistant would be working for you and taking on tasks that you assign, but they would not have any say in how those tasks are completed.

There are a number of advantages to outsourcing, such as:

  • Cost savings: When you outsource, you can save money on labor costs. This is because you can hire workers in countries where labor costs are lower than they are in your home country.
  • Increased efficiency: When you outsource, you can free up your time to focus on more.
  • Speedy Turnaround Times: If you don’t want to be working for twenty-four hours straight, the idea of outsourcing might be the best choice for you as you won’t have to worry about getting your services down. Your chosen offshore team must be working with experience and passion for what they are doing as they can utilize an industry-leading market.

Outsourcing, offshoring, and staff leasing are often used synonymously, however, these three terms have very significant differences and implications. If you are planning to hire a third-party agency that will suffice the needs of your business, then you might wanna know their key differences to decide which of which you should consider for the position or the offer.

To decide whether outsourcing, offshoring, or staff leasing will really depend on the nature of your business and the list of your needs for the company.

Offshoring may sound better for those businesses that are in need of more control over their employees, honors cultural similarities, and more quality services that can be considered cost-effective. Whereas, outsourcing might be better for those businesses who want fast, reliable, and flexible services.

Staff leasing could be helpful to both of the aforementioned. This could be a good help since the company will be hiring an agency or a third-party service provider to hire for them hence, making their load of work light and can focus on other things that need to be done.

All these three are good business strategies for those who seek a competitive edge as they allow them to boost the profits of the companies. Offshoring in Clark Pampanga might be the best choice when looking for a BPO service provider. Shore360 is a great example that has been a third-party service provider for a lot of companies all around Australia.

Good action, better reaction: Being aware of their functions makes you even wiser to make a decision. Read more about these topics and be the key to the success of your company. Remember, making the right choice is the stepping stone to having a successful outcome. We shall not deprive ourselves of the learnings that might be the key to helping the company have better results. A reaction is the outcome of an action. Good action, better reaction.

