3 min readDec 19, 2023
The Private Equity Black Panther

Every step brought me to this Instant.

Black Panther is a Private Equity, reuniting private investors around one main theme: The Caribbean

And each of us can get x7 their investments joining us

My name is Josué HOMESPUN

I m a French native ,

Based in the Caribbean

I am also a serial entrepreneur from 20 years and investor since the last years.

And I have a dream

The dream to have to power to help people to build their projects and help other to generate massive passive income.

I decided 3 years ago to realize this dream and it took me time because I have to confirm everything I will introduce to you here will be a success for each of you guys believing in it, investing in it , and talking about it.

This dream is called Black Panther

I called it like this as a rebellion in the economy , also a reminder that what you see is determination and patience but also unicity and beauty

Black Panther is a private equity fund.

The main idea is to invest in any profitable businesses or investment opportunities located or about the Caribbean.

When we talk about the Caribbean we are talking about more than 44Millions of people living here and a huge number of opportunities going to Florida until Mexico passing all the Islands

Lot of billionaires live and have properties here , money currency is euro, Dutch , dollars and even crypto

But what you should know it is a no-man land in terms of investment management meaning there are incredible opportunities that you can find here. The reason to that :

They are not exposed to public

People except buying villas and transform them in rental don t know that they could invest in businesses, or e-commerce, or in any manufacturers or other type of real estate

My missions as a General Manager for this private equity is to find these opportunities and invest with you into them

The power of expansion is incredible , most of the manufacturers for example can do business outside their areas and produce for other islands, others countries

Our role together will be to help them, maybe acquire them.

Our role will be to make them bigger ….and then pick up the profits

With Black Panther , the plan is in 5 Years with a re finance plan in the 3rd year.

The Possible Return on investment is x7

And you could understand it could be simple to reach it because of the lacks of needs and money that entrepreneurs have here to make grow their businesses for example.

Even in real estate, buying a land and building cash machine properties is a incredible option

So now

Let s talk

I m seeking people that maybe you know who could be interested to invest with me as investors (or limited partners)

If you know people with wealth, savings and they could be ready to make their money work for them, send to them this article or send them directly this link


We are starting now.

Our goal in the 3 years is to reunite $4M and make this grow.

Who is ready to join us ?



💰 Helping people to make passive income 💸 🧧 Investor Relations Manager & Business Developer 🧧 Success Speaker 🧧 Multilingual x7 🧧 Multipotentialite