My New Hustle

Jesse Showalter
3 min readFeb 7, 2017

Am I a goal oriented person? Do I actually know what that means? Have I fooled myself into thinking that I am self-motivated, a self-starter and a go-getter? Those are just a few of the questions I have been asking myself and the people that know me best over the last few weeks and the answers that I have been finding are not the ones I wanted to hear.

My situation

I am a 32 year old procrastinator that has been able to get by using skills, Experiences, and Connections that I have accumulated during my time on this earth. I’ve been able to live fairly comfortable, enjoyed my life, and even been seen by others to be an encouragement and blessing, But here is the truth about me and my situation

I do just fine giving 90%, but giving 100% would be so much better

So I have been listening, reading, and meeting up with people that will challenge me in this area of my life and I have realized that what I am missing is Hustle. Oh My Gosh do hate that word! But it’s true… The definition of hustle in this context is

Rapid movement to accomplish a chosen goal

That’s what I need, I need some of that. So I sat down and came up with some. Someone may read this and say “it’s not that easy” but I think it is… at least to start. There is no better way to accomplish something than to start

The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort. — Michael Jordan

Hustle by — Alvaro Dominguez

My New Hustle

So I came up with a bunch of goals, reverse engineered them into smaller goals and then set up daily habits to help me in those goals. I want to share them here as an encouragement to those who read this, and accountability for myself as I look back. So here is my new hustle as of February 2017


  • Work 3 Days a week doing something I love
  • Spend more time with my family
  • Be a millionaire by the time I am 45
  • Adopt a child
  • Give more of my time and money to people in need


  • create a steady flow of passive income
  • create a personal brand that will work for me
  • write a book
  • speak
  • do enough client work that I don’t have to anymore

Habits to achieve them

  • blog each week
  • vlog each week
  • design things for myself
  • establish a spirit of gratitude in my household
  • set daily and weekly goals
  • reflect on the good and bad of each day to iterate tomorrow
  • count my wins and be positive
  • turn my phone off when I come home each night and focus on my kids

So now what

This is all very vague when it’s laid out in a blog post like this, and maybe I will expound upon this as the weeks and months go by, because I am still working out the details and need to be ready to stay agile in this process. For instance, I came into my office today 2 hours early before anyone gets here to “record a vlog” but the noise from the construction happening on the roof stopped that plan… So I iterated that daily goal to become “write a blog” and here we are.

I am sure a lot of this will change. My goals may have some tweaks to them, therefore my subgoals and habits may change, and that’s OK with me. As long as what never changes from this day forward is My New Hustle.

I am interested to hear what your habits and hustles are. How do you set up plans to accomplish these goals of yours? Let me know in the comments below.



Jesse Showalter

Digital Creative, Pixel Master, Code Warrior, Speaker, Writer, Youtuber.