5 Things I Learned About Human Psychology

Karan Dev
2 min readOct 4, 2017


We can control other’s emotions, actions or believes by using some psychological tricks. I learned these 5 important techniques that seems true and helped me sometimes.

Here it goes:

1. How To Become Likable:

a. You become more likable when you agree with other’s views or theories.

Even if you disagree with them, don’t put your points against them, instead, present them as a suggestion.

b. While talking to others, you should listen 75% of the conversation and you should speak 25% of the conversation.

c. During conversation look at her/him like you are looking 8th wonder of the world, i.e. you should be genuinely interested in the conversation.

2. How to make others believe in your theory:

Give them details. Yes, giving them details about a particular incident(which may or may not be true) will make others believe in whatever you are saying. Looking into the eyes of the listeners also helps. Based on the situation say something like these—

Next time if you’ll be with me, I’ll show you. Or
In future, if it occurs, I’ll make a video. Or
Let’s try this with you next month, It’ll be fun.

3. How to start a conversation with a stranger:

Start your conversation like you are talking to your friend. Don’t start with ‘Hi’, ‘Hey’, ‘Hello’ etc. Start with a line that you can say to your friend or to a known person.
For Example —
Imagine you are traveling and besides you, a girl is sitting. You want to start a conversation with her but you don’t know how.
Just observe the surroundings, you see a naughty boy doing random stuff. Now say —

You: “Ha Ha.. Look at that little boy, he looks cute but he is very naughty. He is pulling the hairs of that lady and laughing silently”.
Girl: Surprised!! Trying to smile while looking at the kid and then you. (Probably try to say something)
(Now task is simpler for you)
You: Hi, I am Karan.
(Conversation continued… )
[Above conversation is my personal experience ;) ]

4. How to gain trust:

The alchemist stares into the eyes of the men and tells them they are not going far, and the men leave. The alchemist explains to Santiago that the eyes demonstrate the strength of one’s soul.
From: The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

— Best way to gain trust is to look into the listener’s eyes with confidence and tell them whatever I am saying, I mean it.
— Show no disappointment if they don’t trust you. Be calm and neutral, by doing so, they’ll be in doubt, surely think about it again.

5. How to overcome embarrassment:

Often the situation comes when something embarrassing happens and everyone laughs at you. What you’d do in such situation?

Join the crowd, Laugh. And Say “Yes, that was really embarrassing.”

If someone makes fun of you and everybody laughs.
If you react, you might get another insult. Or you can just

Smile. And say “Dude, that was good, with a blink. ;)”

Most probably, S/he’ll not dare to do it again.

Thanks for reading. :)

