Ignore That Blue Whale Game! Green Dolphin Is The Game That Teens Should Try!

Claudiu "Kornelius" Lupu
4 min readMar 18, 2017


Photo from wallarthd.com

It’s probably that you all know about the Blue Whale — probably the deadliest game ever invented that recently got a massive attention on the Internet, especially from the teens. Unfortunately, this game made over 100 victims in the past weeks, making teens commit a slow suicide. I read the instructions of this game, and I have to say that I’ve never been so disgusted before.. What I did not understood very well is, how do teens manage to keep going within those instructions. However, they’re some ‘brave’ teens that would like to prove the game is very easy, but it’s probably that the real pain will be felt on their own skin.


The game that I want to show you today is pretty much inspired from this deadly thing, excepting that you’ll have to do the opposite of it! And so, I called it Green Dolphin! Why ‘Green Dolphin’? First of all, I chose dolphin because it is considered one of the most intelligent mammal from the animal kingdom — according to the most of studies I read, and the green color because it is supposed to represent the goodness (something that, I.m.o, modern society tends to miss by).

So how’s this game supposed to be played?

They’re not complex instructions for this game, however they’re adapted to what you do everyday, without any additional influences. So…

Let’s say that you quietly check your Facebook news feed or anyting else you do on your smartphone or your PC. Then suddenly, someone messages you with an image of a beautiful green dolphin. The person may be one of your friends or even a stranger that you kept such a long time on your Facebook “friends” list. From this moment, the person will send you the meaning of this image, and also, the following instructions:

1st Day — you need to draw a dolphin (not on your hand, okay?) on a blank paper. Keep in mind that you don’t have to complete the whole drawing in just one day. You can start with a part, then continue with the rest the next day. If you consider that you might be busy the next days, no worries — this task’s time is theoretically unlimited, so you can finish the drawing whenever you want :D

2nd Day — send a photo (NOT nude or any NSFW-related) of what have you done to your drawing so far, to the one who sent you the challenge. And so he / she’ll see you accepted the challenge and you would like to continue, not just the game, but the drawing too. You don’t have to feel bad if the drawing is not the most beautiful one. Remember: you draw in your own style, you don’t need to adapt a specific drawing method invented by someone else — you’ll always prove your talent through your own methods, no matter what — it’s still ART:)

3rd Day — you’ll start a new challenge with… a book. Take any book you want. If you already read all your books from your library, get a new one. Once you‘ve chosen your book, start reading the first 30 pages of it. The next day, 30 more pages, and so on. Is it too much? I don’t think so :D Personally I read a lot of books by reading 30 pages/day and I can say that I’m feeling super-relaxed.

Until the 30th day — keep doing whatever you want: watching a movie, reading a book, play a game, hanging on with your friends. Get a regular sleeping schedule, DO NOT wake up at a specific hour (4:20 — if you know what I mean). It is strongly recommended these days to ignore anything that could literally f*$k up your day. For example: people that suddenly have a pleasure to quarrel with you for unkown reasons, any new ‘Internet trends’ that would have a bad influence for you — JUST IGNORE THEM IF POSSIBLE OKAY? etc.

Tho’ what’s the point of this game?

Unlike any other games that makes you die slowly (Blue Whale or the classic Hold Your Breath for X seconds), this game is mainly intended for educational purpose, or even personal development . It’s all about stopping people, especially teens, to rise all the sh*t from the underground that exists on the Internet, and keep themselves a healthy life — as much as possible.
Also, if the challenge is given by a stranger, it is a perfect way for people to meet other people that have the power to understand each other. As a stranger started the challenge, you can conclude that he / she is a kind human being and wants to have a good influence on you.

My conclusion is,

people need to stop silently promoting all the sh*t on the Internet and become more conscious about what they do.
Keep in mind : stay safe!

P.S for the parents: Be strongly careful what your kids do on the Internet! It is not safe at all..



Claudiu "Kornelius" Lupu

I don’t always write things, but when I do, I’m fully inspired, either from my life, either the world I live in.