Old Oak Tree (Tire Swing)

Long Lost
1 min readMar 28, 2022
“tree” by iamlonglost

I drive past this place
Where an old tire swing used to sway
It hung from a massive oak tree
That had — without a doubt
Seen more years than any human

But that old oak tree is long gone
And the landscape it used to loom over
Has been ever changed by suburban mansions
And the skeletons of ritzy homes soon to be

It feels as though this place
Has lost its whimsical touch
As — in a way, it feels that I too —
Have lost a certain enthusiasm
That blossoms in youth
And dwindles with adulthood

Oh how
I long for the days
Of an old oak tree
With a swaying tire swing

But they’ve been laid to rest
By suburban dreams
A synthetic world
Of shaping trees
And perfect yards
Of lawns so green

But alas
No oak trees
No tire swings



Long Lost

📷 Photography ✍🏻 Poetry I love coffee and taking long hikes through the wilderness